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Lessons In Truth - Lesson 9 - Annotation 7

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 9 - Annotation 7

What must be our desire concerning the words of Truth that we speak?

7. Because words communicate ideas, our real desire is that the words of Truth that we speak shall accomplish in mind, body, and affairs all the good embodied in the ideas we are expressing through our words. We want our words to "come alive" because our desire is to follow the deep urge within us to manifest the divine heritage that is ours as a son of God.

"The mind moves upon ideas; ideas are made visible through words. Hence holding right words in the mind will set the mind going at a rate proportioned to the dynamic power of the idea back of those words" (Talks on Truth 176).

Sometimes students learning to use words of Truth are of the opinion that it is the words themselves that accomplish results. This of course is not true. It is the ideas back of the affirmations, or words, that contain the Truth. We need to know the meaning of the words to feel the Truth. Such a realization reveals that the divine ideas expressed in the words may be considered as "seeds."

"Thus every word brings forth after its kind. The 'seed' is the creative idea inherent in the word, the nature that it inherits from its parent source -- God" (Charles Fillmore Christian Healing 65).

The type of words we use to convey ideas is very important. When we are convinced that ideas do represent our divine inheritance, we are able to speak with feeling the words that convey divine ideas of faith, power, love, life, and so forth. Our inner conviction and enthusiasm enable ideas to "come alive" in our consciousness, then to come into manifestation. We may say in the words of the prophet Isaiah:

"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it" (Isa. 55:11).

If we speak the word of health for ourselves or others our true desire is that life, strength, vitality, energy, wholeness shall manifest in our body, or in the body of the one for whom we pray. When the word of plenty is affirmed we want to be sure that our affirmation will lay hold of the divine idea of abundance so that prosperity will actually fill our affairs, or those of another person for whom we are praying. When harmony and peace are desired in our individual life as well as in the world, then we want our words (affirmations) to produce these conditions. We want the words of the Lord's Prayer, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven," to become an actuality.

Preceding Entry: What is the "white stone" upon which man's spiritual name is written (Rev. 2:17)?
Following Entry: Explain the importance of reliance on the indwelling Christ Spirit rather than relying wholly on external helps.