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Ministers ordained in Unity in 1977 were (alphabetical order): Pauline J. Beauregard; John M. Byrns, Jr. Beatrice Copeland (Deceased 5/4/1999); David C. Drew; Peggy Elia (Deceased 8/3/1987); Richard Carlton Everts; Jack Fries; Shirlie Colleen Graham; John O. Harris (Deceased 10/26/1988); Robert Ross Hill; Robert J. Hungerford; Graeme W. Johnson; Gerald F. Melin; Dennis Neagle; Chad Greer O'Shea; Barbara Fleming Provost; Polly Ann Quinn (Deceased 1/2/1986); Jeffrey A. Shumsky (Deceased 3/21/1983); Ross Tucker; Jane H. Waddington; W. Hampton Williams; Dorothy Viola Williamson; John William Wingfield; Marilyn Corinne Witherspoon.
Source: October 1977 Contact Newsletter
Download JPG of 1977 Ordination Photo from October 1977 Contact Newsletter

Pictured above is the graduation and ordination class of 1977. The service was held on Friday evening, August 12. William L. Fischer, Director of the School for Ministerial and Religious Studies presented the diplomas of graduation. Paul C. Barrett, minister of Unity Temple in Kansas City and President of the Association of Unity Churches, was the ordaining minister.
Front row left to right: Peggy Elia, who is assigned to the ministry in Waco-Temple, Texas. Beatrice Copeland, who will be pioneering a new ministry in New York City. The next person is Barbara Provost, who is serving the ministry in Massillon, Ohio. Then comes Viola Williamson, who has accepted leadership in Albuquerque, New Mexico. At the far right seated is Pauline Beauregard, who is currently serving as associate minister in San Diego, California.
Second row standing, left to right: Marilyn Witherspoon, who will be remaining in the Lees Summit area. S. Colleen Graham, who is presently at work serving both Bozeman and Livingston, Montana. She is followed by John Harris. John and his wife, Jo, have accepted leadership in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Jack Fries, who is the minister in St. Joseph, Missouri. Then comes John Byrns, who is serving in Evansville, Indiana. David Drew follows, and David is now serving in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Graeme Johnson has returned to Australia, where he will pioneer a new ministry. W. Hampton Williams follows, he has accepted leadership in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Next comes Jane Waddington, who is the new minister in St. Charles, Illinois. Carolyn Johanson-Hart is last in this row, and she is the new minister in Little Rock, Arkansas. (Bill Fischer and Paul Barrett are also in this row.)
Top row, left to right: Chad O’Shea is the first, and he is currently serving in Richmond, Virginia. Then comes Gerry Melin, the new minister in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Ross Tucker, who is serving as minister in Decatur, Illinois. Jeff Shumsky, who has accepted an associateship in Detroit, Michigan. Robert Hungerford, who is the new minister in Topeka, Kansas. Pictured next is John Wingfield, who is unassigned. He is followed by Dick Everts, who is the newly-accepted minister in Burien, Washington. Dennis Neagle, the new minister in northeast Kansas City. And finally is Robert Hill, minister in Culver City, California.