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Ministers ordained in Unity in 1971 were (alphabetical order): Richard M. Beavans (Deceased 3/1/1977); Jack E. Boland (Deceased 3/4/1992); Donald H. Bould; Maryellen Bowe; Sylvia Chevalier; William R. Clark; Sandra H. Cousens; Ruth J. Cox; Dale G. Cross; Donald Curtis (Deceased 5/22/1997); Edward M. Dawson IV; Tracy DeKruif; Harold A. Dibblee; Jack K. Dolen; June S. Dorrell; Kathryn Adair Doyle; Mauritz R. Erhard; Roy E. Fox (Deceased 1/4/2000); William B. George (Deceased 6/19/1992); Jean B. Grover; Elvina Hausmann; Grace Clementina Hunt; Ronald W. Johnson; Gary Haden Jones; Marshall Adrian Lafser; William G. LaReau; Emily McAlpin; Lester E. McClelland; Barry L. Montgomery; V. Michael Murphy; Rudolph Nan; Alvin L. Nelson (Deceased 11/19/1983); Carolyn S. Noonan; Gwen G. Norment; Mildred Perdue; James C. Pickering; David J. Rogers; Alan Rowbotham; Elizabeth J. Sprague; Mary Ellen Swartz; Julian Vazquez; Izear Wiggins; Harry A. Young;
Source: July 1971 Contact Newsletter
Download JPG of 1971 Newly Ordained Ministers Photo from July 1971 Contact Newsletter
Download PDF of 1971 Newly Ordained Ministers Photo from July 1971 Contact Newsletter

Licensed Teacher recognition has been extended to Mrs. Christiana Ebi Ndukwe of Nigeria and Gladys Bass of Denver, Colorado. Christiana will be continuing and expanding her work in Nigeria. Gladys Bass will be continuing to work closely with Jim Lewis in the work in Denver. A private ordination service was held, at the recommendation of the Licensing and Ordination Committee and with the approval of the full Board of Trustees of AUC, during Conference at Glenwood Manor. This ordination was of Mary Ellen Swartz of Tucson, Arizona. Application for ordination did not come soon enough for Mary Ellen to be processed for ordination in June with the ordinands. She will be receiving the blessing of the Conference body in June 1972.
The Ordination class of this year as seen in the picture below are from left to right: Alvin Nelson of Clinton, Iowa; David Rogers, North Hollywood, California; Carolyn^ Noonan, Des Moines, Iowa; Ruth Cox, Louisville, Kentucky; Donald Curtis, Dallas, Texas; Elvina Haussman, Lee's Summit, Missouri; and Ronald Johnson, Toledo, Ohio. Special blessings reach out to these dear ones as they are welcomed into the fellowship of Unity ministries. Donald Curtis comes into our ministry with nearly 30 years of successful ministerial experience within the new thought family. A very special blessing of welcome reaches out to him.