Hi Friends -
Background of New Thought is now:
- completely accessible online,
- as easily read on a mobile device as on a computer or tablet, and
- narrated by Phil White and Eric Butterworth
Completely accessible online
Four years ago I wrote an 88-page book that contained all the information you need to know for HI-604, Unity's SEE course about the New Thought Movement. The PDF version has always been available here, but interest in the material has picked up recently. The world is moving from print media to web-based media. So I have converted all 88 pages to an easily accessible online version with an indented navigation outline in the sidebar. Google will love it.
As easily read on a mobile device as on a computer or tablet
28% of visitors to TruthUnity (about 300 daily as of 2014, 700 daily as of 2016) use mobile devices. I am rapidly transforming TruthUnity so that it is as easily accessed on a mobile device as it is on a desktop computer or tablet. If you happen to be reading this on a desktop computer, try resizing your web browser so that it's as narrow as possible (even as narrow as 2-3 inches). Notice that the whole structure of the layout changes and that new menus appear. The content of Background of New Thought has been my test case. All the pictures resize to fit in whatever size screen you use. There are new navigation buttons and drop down menus designed for your thumb instead of your mouse. I hope you'll bookmark Background of New Thought for summer reading, on your smartphone.
Narrated by Phil White and Eric Butterworth
In 1984 Phil White gave six hours of lectures on how we got from Calvinism to New Thought. It was a history course about ideas. Contrary to mistaken notions, we're not weird. How we got to the five Unity principles is both logical and normal. Phil White tells us how it happened. And sometime in the 1970's or 1980's Eric Butterworth gave eleven hours of lectures on the "development of new insight in truth." In my opinion it is the best defense of New Thought we have today. Seven of the eleven hours are segmented and uploaded. I hope to have the remaining lectures done this week.So what do I mean by narrated? I mean that I've taken clips from Phil White's lectures and from Eric Butterworth's lectures and I've inserted them into the text of my 88-page book on Background of New Thought. So we now have the basic content of HI-604, online, accessible by a mobile device with embedded clips from Phil and Eric to extend what you read. And, if you're mobile device was bought within the past couple of years, the audio clips should play just fine.
So here's what I want you to do
Now I'm teaching Background of New Thought all next week at Unity Church of the Hills. If you're in Austin, come join us. It's SEE-in-the-field week and there are plenty of interesting classes. But if you're not in Austin and want to read Background of New Thought, at the beach, on your iPhone or Android, and you want to hear how Phil and Eric defend this weird faith we have, here are the links:
- To HI-604 Background of New Thought course material, with clips from Phil and Eric
- To Phil White's 1984 lectures on Background of New Thought
- To Eric Butterworth's lectures on Antecedents of New Thought
Keep Unity weird!
July 13, 2014