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How to Let God Help You

Chapter 8

The Embodiment of Thought

1. Ancient wisdom teaches that we are the result of what we have thought—we are made up of our thoughts. Solomon puts it, “As he thinketh within himself, so is he.”

2. The operations of thought are not understood in detail by the ordinary man and we cannot apply the logical deductions of speculation in a realm where specific forms are built up and vivified with a seeming life through certain modes of thinking. Every thought molds from the etheric essence a form symbol, which symbol has a certain degree of temporary life, and by virtue of that life impresses itself upon the body. Hence thoughts have their hidden law with which those who are experienced have become familiar, and it is safe to follow their directions until you arrive at a stage of unfoldment where you know for yourself.

3. Now, it is evident that the condition of error in which humanity finds itself at the present period is the result of ages and ages of wrong thinking, and as “thoughts are things,” before we can get a flood of new concepts we must clear away the old. It has been found that this can be done most effectively by the disintegrating power of denial. In some instances the great errors of the race have become universal beliefs and have been formulated as laws and are regarded by the mass of the human family as the immortal creations of the Supreme Ruler. It becomes, then, a necessity that we keep with all diligence this inward Creator of our external creation. “Power belongs to him who knows.” And when we are thoroughly translated into the knowledge that “the lower world is made after the pattern of the upper and inner world,” then will we have power over all these appearances of sense.

4. This inner world is the subjective, the real world, the intelligible world. Plato talked much about it as “the home of the soul”; the Christians sighed for “the kingdom of heaven.” Having such knowledge, you will realize that Mind is the great white throne of omnipotence. Good sits enthroned there; Love sits enthroned there; Life sits enthroned there. You may approach the throne boldly. You may claim all of these blessings with your divine thought for they are surely yours. There is no uncertainty. “All things whatsoever the Father hath are mine,” says pure mind. “If ye shall ask anything of the Father, he will give it you in my name.” This is knowing God aright. This is life eternal. This is the faith of the lilies.

5. How different from this is that imperfect faith that keeps its possessor trembling with terror and apprehension, keeping one eye on the stock exchange or the pill business. There is an uncertainty about those who tmst people or gold.

6. “Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” Take hold of the Great Mind with your thoughts. Lay firm hold of the Good that God has furnished for the taking. “Perfect love casteth out fear.” If we love the Truth we are not afraid. We are bold to put out into the sea of faith and let down our healing thoughts. They do the work and the nets break with the good things that come to us. We have perfect trust in almighty Truth.

7. To the average person faith is rather an indefinite quality on the ordinary plane of sense, and few regard it as the most important faculty of mind. Yet we find in the study of metaphysics that no other faculty is so often called into play in the demonstration of spiritual science. Faith ceases to be the vague, illusive quality which traditional Christianity theorizes about, and takes on a strong tangibility. We find that the realm of mind includes a country much more substantial and real than this of matter. In fact, the material world is but a fleeting shadow of the unseen. This has been known to the students of Truth in all ages, but it is just now becoming the knowledge of men universally.

8. On this unseen plane of causes, all things move by laws. But man is so deluded by the five senses and has depended upon them for information so implicitly that he has lost sight of this higher realm of causes. Hence when he is told that a certain line of thought held strongly in the mind will produce certain effects, he will not believe it. Here, then, comes that quality of faith. He must by a mighty effort believe that God is all-powerful and all-good, and that His creation must be likewise. Hence there must somewhere be that which will respond to his righteous appeal. The changes in the mental atmosphere are frequently of a nature to produce the most discouraging conditions, yet he must not waver from his allegiance to principle. No matter what the appearances may be, he must hold strenuously to the only tenable basis: “Ail is good,” and its manifestations must by the law of logic be likewise.

“Delight thyself also in Jehovah;
And he will give thee the desires of thy heart.” (Psalms 37:4)

9. That is, you are now in a country the laws of which you do not know, and all you can do is trust your unseen guide, secure in the thought that if you are faithful all will be well in the end.

10. “God is no respecter of persons.” The light of heaven shines alike upon the just and the unjust. Truth’s ever-shining light is for all alike and sends its messages of divine splendor to all. Keep your soul open to the shining light of Truth by denial of past or future claims upon you, for you live in the now. Affirm the now as your only active eternity. So shall Truth descend in full power upon you—not divided by past memories or future desires, but bursting with present fulfillment. No mortal lie can creep into the glory of the ever-present now. No cloud of doubt can hover over such present certainty.

11. The trusting student of Truth rests on these words of Daniel: “Thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule.” The student should never comment on error. He should, instead, go back of it all into the inner, clean light of reason and see all persons free from false judgments. He should fully realize that he is his brother’s keeper and must guard with sacred care every thought that goes out to his brother, lest like Cain he spill innocent blood. Oh, too sacred is the vitalizing energy of thought to drag it down with the mire of false judgment.

“Keep thy heart with all diligence;
For out of it are the issues of life.” (Prov. 4:23)

12. If things take on a dark look, cleanse your mind with denials. If a feeling of emptiness comes over you, a feeling of desolation or of ignorance, pull yourself back into the full stature of Truth by repeated affirmations. To deny all the time is unwise. Every denial should be followed by an affirmation.

13. (Some people are very orderly in their holding of spiritual thoughts. They take Monday for the statement of being. They deny all day Tuesday. They affirm all day Wednesday. They state their absolute faith on Thursday. On Friday they declare every word an effectual, working agent for good. On Saturday they declare themselves perfect in the sight of an understanding God and praise His works. They wait in the silence on Sunday. If they are treating others, they use the same formula. Their plan has been a productive and thorough work.)

14. “Order is heaven’s first law.” When the word of God is kept constantly in the heart there is no place for error. Sure healing is attained by him who ever keeps the portal of his thought guarded by these two angels: denial and affirmation. “The words that I have spoken unto you are spirit, and are life,” said Jesus—and His words were alive, for His mind was quickened by Spirit.

15. In metaphysics we learn the immense importance of words. “By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” “Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof.” Let us remember this when tempted to give weight to false judgment. Physics makes actions alone responsible for results, but the clear-sighted Newton said: “Let physics beware of metaphysics.” In dealing with the external he had discovered that unseen laws stand back of all movement. He knew that when physics laid claim to cause, it assumed false power which sooner or later would be swept aside as chaff by the truth of metaphysics.

16. Perhaps a specific error is causing trouble for you. If you are resentful, you cannot do a good healing work till that trait is conquered. If you are impatient and irritable, look for the sweet, fresh bloom that a restful attitude alone can bring you. Some people are sorrowful. “God loveth a cheerful giver”—that is, a giver of cheer. Some persons are dishonest. Some are faultfinding. Some believe in a devil. Some indulge in the belief of a wrathful God. Some feel that God is a respecter of persons and has given their friends better opportunities for happiness and success. Some think God is variable, having times and seasons. All these beliefs keep us from doing good work if we keep them in our consciousness. Also, we convey these beliefs to those around us if we do not put them away. If we are willing to do our part, Spirit will cleanse us white as snow. Wash and be clean!