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How to Let God Help You

Guide Booklet: The Home

Chapters: 29, 31.

Myrtle Fillmore had the firm conviction that Truth would prevail universally if it were universally taught in the home. Two chapters in How to Let God Help You emphasize her concern for the family and especially for children.

Whether or not we have children in our own homes, all of us have a vital interest in the rearing and teaching of children. Those of us who are not parents, or otherwise directly responsible for the care of children, can still benefit a great deal from a careful study of those chapters.

Myrtle Fillmore emphasizes the importance of seeing children as “eager, growing souls ... as individuals, unfolding their own faculties and powers, individually doing that which seems best to them at the moment.”

In the chapter entitled “The Gospel of Uses,” Myrtle Fillmore reiterates her conviction that through the home the world is ruled. This being the case, we should regard the homemaker’s role as truly significant and privileged. And, says the author, our part is to learn to use rightly the power that we have. “Temper is power going in the wrong drection; worry and fret are exhausting misuse of the energy that should be applied to household duties. All friction in the home results from using the forces of the home along wrong lines.”

This chapter contains some particularly helpful advice to homemakers who may feel that their families do not share their interest in Truth.

If we keep firmly in mind the fact that “every home takes on the quality of the prevailing thought held in it,” we shall want to make every day a deliberate exercise in strong, positive thinking. In doing this, we can take away the drudgery that might otherwise attend daily tasks.

To share the author’s conviction that the home is all-important in the universal spread of Truth is to see every day as a wonderful opportunity to become, in our own spheres of influence, teachers and demonstrators of the Truth of God.

Complete these statements:

  1. The difference between a happy home and a wretched existence lies in (page 157)
  2. The good that manifests in my home is the result of (page 150)
  3. Divine order is expressed in our lives when (page 150)
  4. I share the light of Truth in my home not by preaching but (page 159)
  5. I realize that the one thing my home cannot do without is (page 150)