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Series 2 - Lesson 11 - Annotation 3

Series 2 - Lesson 11 - Annotation 3

What is righteousness as applied to Jehovah? What is righteousness as applied to manifest man?

3. Righteousness is the quality or state of being righteous, or making right use of divine ideas. Righteousness as applied to Jehovah (spiritual man) is the right relationship of ideas (laws or qualities) in the Son-of-God consciousness. In Jehovah (spiritual man) we have the Christ standard of love, mercy, wisdom, understanding; all that is right, honest, just; all that conforms to the spiritual principle of Absolute Good; all that is impersonal, impartial; all that can be equitable in action. Righteousness as applied to Jehovah is the right relationship of ideas that sustain all life, all consciousness on all levels of intelligence.

Jehovah (the Lord) represents the forming or shaping principle of Being, but manifest man must consciously do the actual forming or shaping through the right use of ideas. "Righteousness" as applied to manifest man is the right use of the ideas of Divine Mind under the guidance of the indwelling Christ, the I AM. When manifest man understanding lets the I AM guide and direct his thinking, he then conforms to the divine standard of the right and the just. Divine ideas in right relation to each other express in a peaceful, orderly, and harmonious way through him as right thinking, right feeling, right desiring, right willing, right speaking, and finally right doing or action.

Preceding Entry: Why is Jehovah sometimes regarded as a God of wrath and vengeance, and sometimes as a God of loving-kindness and tender mercy?
Following Entry: What is judgment? Explain "Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24).