Download a PDF copy of the 1918 October issue of Unity Magazine
In this issue:
- The Cosmic Man—Charles Fillmore
- Let This Mind Be in You Which Was in Christ Jesus—Freeda Woolley
- The Day of the Harvest—Ida M. Mingle
- Realization—Winogene S. Savage
- Selection—Emma Curtis Hopkins
- Prayer—Blanche Bloor
- Bible Study
- Sunday Lessons
- Uzziah, King of Judah, Humbled
- Manesseh’s Wickedness and Penitence
- Josiah’s Devotion to God
- The Finding of the Book of the Las
- The Kingdom Divided
- Society of Silent Unity
- Class Thought and Prosperity Thought
- Thoughts for Daily Meditation
- Extracts from Letters
- What the Written Word Has Done
- Silent Unity Healing
- Publishers’ Department