Download a PDF copy July 1912 monthly magazine
In this issue:
- Judgment and Justice — Arthur D. Hall
- One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism — John L. Chesnutt
- The Delusions of Ignorant Thought — Charles Fillmore
- Bible Lessons — Charles Fillmore
- Christ's Writing On the Ground (poem) — C. C. Daivson
- The Family — Myrtle Fillmore
- The Story of Lovie — Myrtle Fillmore
- True Motherhood — Lida H. Hardy
- A Prayer — W. E. Gordon
- "My Pride"
- Society of Silent Unity
- Class Thought and Prosperity Thought
- The Silence
- Honor — Edna L. Carter
- A Reasonable Theory — M. E. Bucknell
- Extracts from Letters
- Demonstrations of the Law
- Publishers' Department