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Unity Magazine May 1924

Unity Magazine May 1924 Cover

Download a PDF copy May 1924 monthly magazine

In this issue:

  • The God Man — Charles Fillmore
  • Spiritual Laws and Ideals — Horatio W. Dresser
  • Doing the Work that Jesus Did — Harrison R. Heyward
  • Finding the Lost Word — F. B. Whitney
  • God's Blessings Through Praise — Rose Emery
  • Imagination — Clara Palmer
  • Unity Church Universal — Charles Fillmore
  • Back To the Home — Adelaide Kennerly
  • Spiritual Mothers — Celia Ayers
  • Appreciation—The Road To Happiness — Blanche Sage Haseltine
  • The Value of a Trustful Mind — Mary Parrish
  • Healing Thought — The Quickening, Free-Flowing Life of Spirit Renews and Heals Me
  • Prosperity Thought — The Spirit of Prosperity Quickens My Mind and Affairs
  • Our Page of Blessings
  • Sunday Lessons: II Kings 11:1-4, 11-18
  • Sunday Lessons: Isaiah 37:14, 21-23, 29, 33-36
  • Sunday Lessons: Jeremiah 26:8-16
  • Sunday Lessons: II Chronicles 36:11-21
  • Sunday Lessons: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 25, 26