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Series 1 - Lesson 2 - Annotation 2

Series 1 - Lesson 2 - Annotation 2

Explain what is meant by the statement that there is no reality in disease.

2. There is no reality in disease because any diseased thought, feeling, belief, or condition can be changed. The change in the body is made by making a change in consciousness. God did not create disease, therefore it can be changed, for it has no supporting principle back of it.

Reality or the "real" is Truth, the very life of God, omnipresent, eternal, enduring, everlasting, unchanging. When the word Truth is used metaphysically or philosophically, it refers to logical ideas that are real, existing independently and apart from our conceptions of them and our names for them. Reality is not limited to a certain definite form, to a certain place or a certain time. When we know the nature of realityTruth — we are freed from the belief in reality of disease.

"Dis-ease" is a separation or a parting from ease, comfort, freedom. Disease always has a specific location in a body or some part of a body. Reality is unconfined and limitless; it endures; it is; it cannot be modified; does not come and go. Disease may come and go within its locality thus proving its changing, vacillating nature. Disease has nothing enduring for its foundation, is not an entity. It is a false condition, an appearance only, brought about by man's unrighteous thinkingthinking out of harmony with the universal law of Absolute Good.

Man, through the power to think, forms disease concepts, fear concepts, anger concepts, censure concepts. These negative thought "formations" are all departures from the law of love, the law of universal good, yet they become the "mental equivalents" that produce disease in the body.

Preceding Entry: What is the one way to health?
Following Entry: What reason have we for believing in health as our birthright?