YOU HAVE A WILD BEAST, and no book in the New Testament addresses what to do about it more directly than The Book of Revelation. Like Jesus, it may take 40 days to deal with our human conditioning and limitations, or, like me, it may take 40 years to even get started. It may be an intense desert experience or it may be a gradual process. Regardless, what we know is that without looking at The Beast within we are seldom successful in becoming whole and prosperous.
This post is about what we have done on TruthUnity to make one's study of The Book of Revelation authentic, powerful, simple-to-use and multi-faceted.

If you view this page from a web browser, then you will see the the following in your page. Do you see the links to Guidici and to Rabel? Do you see the link to the ASV? Do you see the link to Metaphysical Bible Interpretation? These are resources found in various places on TruthUnity and they appear here because they have been tagged as providing commentary for a particular chapter in The Book of Revelation. You'll links like these for each chapter. Here is how they will help you:
Frank Guidici's historical and literary commentary
Authentic. Each chapter has a link to Frank Guidici's historical and literary commentary, The Book of Revelation Revealed, for example this one for Revelation 1. Notice that when you click on it, you get both the audio and text of Frank's commentary:
Ed Rabel's psycho-spiritual commentary
Powerful. Each chapter also has a link to Ed Rabel's psycho-spiritual commentary of Revelation, for example this one for Revelation 13,
Ed Rabel's commentary on The Book of Revelation addresses The Beast in each of us as well as any self-help book I've read. It's pure psycho-spiritual drama, probing deep in the unconscious mind for the many ways The Beast waits to devour our highest desires and aspirations. His commentary is an original and powerful interpretation of a much-abused piece of sacred scripture. It is metaphysical Bible interpretation at its best.
Bible chapters segmented by passage
Simple-To-Use. We are gradually reformatting the way Bible text is displayed in a web browser, so that each chapter is segmented by passage and the segmentation follows that of the NRSV. Note how three of the letters in Revelation 2 are segmented by passage:
Other Bible commentary
Multi-faceted. Besides commentary by Frank Guidici and Ed Rabel, you will also see commentary from seventy years of Unity Magazine, commentary from the Unity School for Religious Studies Bible Interpretation, my own Metaphysical Bible Study Guides, and any other commentary I can find from Unity literature.
These things make for a nice, compact self-study program for personal growth through a psycho-spiritual study of The Book of Revelation. I hope it's useful to you and a blessing to your ministry.
January 2018