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Series 2 - Lesson 7 - Annotation 9

Series 2 - Lesson 7 - Annotation 9

Define praise and show why it must be active in the life of every man.

9. Praise and gratitude make us receptive to blessings; praise brings us consciously in tune with Divine Mind; praise opens the mind and heart to higher aspirations, wipes out fear and doubt from our consciousness, enlarges or magnifies our good, and increases our capacity to enjoy more of God's love, wisdom, joy, and presence. Praise multiples and glorifies substance and is the acknowledgment that we have already received. Our holding the attitude of continual praise for God's goodness and love makes us more conscious of His presence and power.

The object of praise is to let out or express the inner feeling of joy and thankfulness, grateful love and reverence "pent up" within man, as he realizes that God, Absolute Good, is constantly pouring increasing blessings on him. Praise is worship in expression, based on the knowledge of man's inherent power and resource, the one God.

Praise kindles enthusiasm and engenders life, sets energy free, and builds for youth and beauty. The object of praise is the joyful acclamation of fulfilled prayer. It is the celebration of victory before and after the appearance of answers. Praise is homage to the Creator of all blessings.

Preceding Entry: What place in man's body symbolizes the point at which man first makes conscious unity with God?
Following Entry: What is the effect of praise on man's body? What is the effect on the earth?