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Series 2 - Lesson 6 - Annotation 17

Series 2 - Lesson 6 - Annotation 17

What does it mean to "keep my word" (John 14:23), as instructed by Jesus?

17. To "keep" the word of Jesus is to hold in our conscious phase of mind the truths that He enunciated, until they settle down into our subconscious or feeling nature, becoming living, acting realities within us. It is the work of the subconscious to bring forth or manifest our body and affairs. Just to read over the words of Jesus or to commit them to memory does not "keep" them — that is only the "letter." We are to live them consciously, so that the divine ideas back of them are made active in the subconscious, which in turn can bring them forth as good results in our life. Such results do not come at once, for the old error thoughts built into mind and body have to be erased by denial and the truths of God built in (affirmation) by the activity of the Word — "the spirit [that] giveth life."

Preceding Entry: How is the physical body redeemed?
Following Entry: In the Scriptures what does the apostle Paul represent?