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Series 2 - Lesson 11 - Annotation 9

Series 2 - Lesson 11 - Annotation 9

How do you help those who come to you suffering from seeming injustice?

9. Those who would help others must first treat themselves for a right mental attitude and the right ideas regarding the situation or condition. If you were a teacher of mathematics and someone came to you for help because he was getting the wrong answers, you would go over his work and show him where he was "off the track" in his calculations. Then you would show him that he had strayed from the principle involved and thus got the wrong answers. We follow the same procedure in spiritual counseling. When someone comes for help, suffering from seeming injustice, we take him back to principle. We deny the belief in condemnation, criticism, faultfinding, injustice. We bring to his attention the basic teaching of Unity:

  1. "There is but one Presence and one Power in the universe,
  2. God, the good omnipotent";
  3. God works throughout His creation under law and order;
  4. Man is learning to work with God.

We may have been brought up to believe that someone or something can take our good from us. Now we learn that our good comes to us through the perfect action of God when we conform to His laws. As we learn to hold to God as Principle, bringing our thoughts, words, and deeds into conformity with the goodness of God, this goodness flows into and through us to bring forth every needed outer good. We need to realize that there is no principle or law underlying injustice or conditions that to us seem unjust. A condition of injustice results from the chaotic use of spiritual ideas by our thinking and feeling. We experience a condition of justice when we learn to use ideas in right relationship through keeping our facultltes of thinking and feeling centered in divine love and justice.

Preceding Entry: How may the belief in injustice be overcome?
Following Entry: Explain the Scripture, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" (Matt. 6:12).