Hi Friends -
When Easter is approaching, we typically see many books, magazines, television shows and movies about Jesus and Jerusalem — his life and work and the events leading up to his arrest, crucifixion and the aftermath.
Most of the stuff we’re getting about the life and times of Jesus is an attempt to uncover the historical Jesus, based on the idea that if we can understand the actual man Jesus behind all the mythology then we will have a clear pathway to his enlightened state. Insights gained from the quest for the historical Jesus are important and revealing; but the problem with all these books and magazines is that transformation of the individual seldom comes from an intellectual understanding.
The 1986 production Words of Jesus by Unity School of Religious Studies takes a different approach. The interest is psychology, not history. The focus is the teachings of Jesus, not the works of Jesus. The intent is spiritual transformation, not intellectual understanding. In short, the content of these six 30-minute videos is devotional, not theoretical. It is pure Practical Christianity. And it is exactly the kind of stuff our souls really want during Holy Week.
What’s new is that the talks have been transcribed and the six lectures have been reformatted to make them more accessible on smart phones.
And if you or anyone you know was around USRS in 1986, then you’ll likely enjoy the cut-away shots of the audience. They were a handsome bunch.

Happy Easter!

General Description
A. This series of lessons on the Words of Jesus explores the metaphysical meaning of some of the significant words of Jesus Christ.
As Charles Fillmore noted in his foreword to Jesus Christ Heals,
"We are all in mind related to a great creative Spirit that infuses its very life into our minds and bodies when we turn our attention to it. We have mentally wandered away from this creative Spirit or Father-Mind and lost contact with its life-giving currents. Jesus Christ made connection for us, and through Him we again begin to draw vitality from the great Fountainhead."
The words of Jesus Christ, along with their metaphysical interpretation working in our conscious mind, help connect us to the "life-giving currents of the creative Spirit" of God within us.
With their metaphysical significance highlighted, the words of Jesus also offer practical ways we can use the ideas and principles taught by Jesus in handling the day-to-day issues in our lives.
The series includes some of the words of Jesus spoken during His ministry in Galilee, Judea, and Perea; words spoken during the training of His disciples; words from His final public appearance; and words spoken on the cross and after His resurrection.
B. These lessons are presented by the Rev. Ed Rabel, who is loved and appreciated by many as a teacher of metaphysical Bible interpretation. Currently, Ed is a member of the USRS faculty, serving as instructor in Metaphysical Studies and Skills. Ordained as a Unity minister in 1957, Ed has served ministries in this country and in Canada.
II. How Can These Lessons Be Used?
A. Inspirational viewing and individual home study. The study questions in this pamphlet can assist you in making practical use of the metaphysical understanding highlighted in each lesson. Progress in individual study is measured by the positive change that takes place in your everyday life.
B. Non-credit teaching through Unity study groups. Leaders of Unity study groups may want to use these videotaped lessons for special Bible study. The study questions in this pamphlet can be used to generate discussion and to provide a comprehensive focus on the material in the lessons.
C. Credit study of an elective course, Words of Jesus. Qualified Unity ministers and licensed teachers may use these videotaped lessons to create an elective entitled Words of Jesus for the USRS Continuing Education Program (CEP) Extension Program (3 credits). Ministers and licensed teachers will want to consult the Extension Program Teacher’s Guide for suggestions in planning this elective.* These credit classes may only be offered in authorized AUC Unity ministries or study groups.
D. Credit study of the required course, New Testament Interpretation. Qualified Unity ministers and licensed teachers may use these videotaped lessons in a variety of ways as resource for the USRS-CEP required course, New Testament Interpretation, taught in the CEP Extension Program. Ministers and licensed teachers will find suggestions for effective use of these tapes in the USRS Extension Program Teacher's Guide. *
* Note: Option C and D are available only under the conditions described. The classwork offered may be taken by anyone who has access to an authorized AUC Unity ministry offering these classes. The Extension Program Teacher's Guide is available only to ordained or licensed Unity ministers and licensed Unity teachers.