Chapter 7
The End Of The World
Rev. 21:1
The promise is, “Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth.” Again we read, “Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” In interpreting this Scripture, man has sought to verify these statements from a material rather than a spiritual concept of things, and has looked upon these words as a prophecy of some catastrophe which shall overtake this material world and visit destruction upon it. Some people have even gone so far as to figure out a certain date upon which the expected end of the world shall come. All this is because man has accepted the material viewpoint as the real, rather than the spiritual, and the effect has been the material states of consciousness which rule the race. But the many “end of the world” appointed times have not come to pass, and we must look for another interpretation of this misunderstood Scripture.
The fact is, this world is coming to an end and passing away every day. We live in two worlds—the mental and the material, the latter the expression or manifestation of the former. If we look back even a few years is we see that many changes have taken place: old customs, conditions, and things have passed away, passed out of use, and are now replaced by new.
But what are years? They cannot be counted as men count time; years represent degrees of progress. New conceptions take form in consciousness, and change of methods replace old in the world of activities, according to the progressive ideals of the people. Time is not a factor. The desert places are made new and fruitful, and new species of plants are formed by aggressive men. Shall we have a new man? Yes, a new man, and a new earth upon which he will live; a new and higher form of man, and a new and bet ter world brought into being through his progressive thought and act.
In the story of creation God said, “Let there be light, and there was light,” “Let the dry land appear;” and the waters separated, and land did appear. If things were thus created by the power of the word, the “spoken Word of God, new things may be created through this “Word” of God, Christman, which became flesh and dwelt among us.
This spoken Word of God is God speaking through substance, and this Word must be now in action, now going on, now bringing forth the world. How? Through the powerful Word of God. If this Word is powerful in the physical and animal world, why not more powerful and in a greater degree in the spiritual world?
There are times when our words are strong because we are conscious of our power. Again, when we feel a lack of spiritual poise and power, our words are weak. Our words are founded upon mind, and the state of consciousness governs the power of the word.
In the first chapter of John we read that “All things were made by the Word,” and we are told that the creative power is the Word of God. The mind holds this “Word,” and this “Word” enters into everything God makes.
Omnipotent, Omniscient Mind is moving the world from center to circumference. Man is both center and circumference, according to his appreciation of himself. If you are living on the circumference you are not conscious of the center, and you know nothing about the power of the creative mind within. Then take words, and return to the Lord.
Man has gone into the external of his being and lost his connection with his Good. He thinks himself an alien, a being apart from God. The remedy is, “Take with you words, and return unto the Lord.” Prove the power of words. We have felt sin, but have not known how to come in touch with creative principles to do away with it.
Choose certain words and use them, repeat them. It may seem at first like parrot repetition, but they will open the way. Why are we given the words in Scripture? That we may commit them and use them, and open the way for the Spirit.
Words express ideas, and ideas are what we are searching for. When the idea is formed we clothe it in language. Descriptions vary; no two people see things just alike, no one language is understood by all, but the Spirit translates the idea to the understanding of each soul. Language is limitation of ideas. A certain cynical philosopher once said that language was invented by man, to conceal ideas. In the ideal realm God creates; in the ideal realm man should be established. In the ideal realm is the kingdom of heaven, and when this realm of ideas is fully realized by man, he will have a universal means of communication.
Ideas are expressed through substance. Thus in what we call matter, one may realize the heavenly state and live in the bliss of the One Mind manifest. The new heaven and new earth may be realized through the true Word, and in this way the earth is to be rolled up as a scroll and pass away, because man is through with its material limitations. A new heaven and a new earth are necessary to meet the needs of the new man.
There is a subtle personality which may creep into one’s use of the Word in selfish ways. This is the “adversary,” the “Satan” of the Scripture. John Bunyan recognized this weakness in himself, which he called “spiritual pride.” After preaching an eloquent sermon he was congratulated by one of his hearers upon the beautiful presentation of his subject, and he replied, “Yes, the devil told me that before I left the pulpit.”
To get into the spiritual kingdom we must not allow human pride to stand in the way. We must deny personality. The personal man crucifies the Christ and keeps the Word from expressing itself. Watch personality, and say to it, in the words of Jesus Christ, “Get thee behind me, Satan.”
Man can live only by the spoken Word of God. “My words are Spirit, and they are life.” In every department of his being man is creating according to his word. The only creative law is the law of thought and word. Words spring forth into fruit; the “fruit of our lips” is good or evil. We are creating now; every word produces results. Watch, and do not build the old material world, which is passing away, but through the power of your true Word create that higher, better world, which cannot pass away, because it is founded on principles of equity and justice.
Another point—we must cultivate patience; we must not seek to build too fast. Our new world is founded upon the universal consciousness of good for all, and each one must arrive at it in his own way. We must not interfere with another’s method of unfoldment. Every one under his own vine and fig tree must work out his own salvation.
This is the fault with most reforms and reformers. They have their own idea of how the work must be done, and it may not be God’s idea—not broad enough nor universal enough—and so it cannot endure. It passes away because it is not founded on Principle. Thomas Jefferson and the originators of our Constitutjon had the right idea. “Liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is to be given each individual through his privilege and freedom in the use of the Word.
We must be careful in our choice of words, for we may come into the very presence of the Father, or close the door upon him, through the character of our word. Watch out for the angry word, the word of condemnation, the impatient word; these are the little foxes which destroy the vines. “I say unto you and I say unto all, Watch.”
Take words with you and return unto the Lord. If you want the fullness of Spirit, take a meek and lowly attitude, which is willing to know but one Will, and you shall return with the fullness of the Divine law active in you. Start with the resolve, “My word shall be with power and love.” Say with Jesus Christ, “My words shall never pass away.” Get into the way prepared by Jesus Christ, and you will find that the new heavens and the new earth are already established in our midst. Those who are desirous of getting into the “kingdom” are putting their words into new ways and right channels. They find the Spirit of the words and the Spirit in the words, and see here and now the “new heaven and the new earth.”