Manuscripts written by Charles Fillmore which have not been published by Unity are collectively known as Unpublished Fillmore. Here are three things you need to know about them:
There is a lot of Unpublished Fillmore. Charles Fillmore was a prolific writer and the truth is that in the later part of his life he produced material faster than Cora Fillmore could edit and than Unity School could publish. They include two prominent pieces that are included here and available for you to read and study right now — The Hidden Man of the Bible and The Story of Jesus' Soul Evolution.
We have these today only because of decades of professional care and dedicated work provided by Unity School and countless volunteers. Unity World Headquarters has chosen to keep the Archives open and as recently as two weeks ago I witnessed 5-6 volunteers working under the direction of the Unity Archives team to process and protect Unity's sacred treasurers. Unity Archives is alive! And flurry of activity is going on there. Without them there would be no Unpublished Fillmore. With them, we have a rich store of Divine Ideas to sift through and mine for decades to come. Will you become a Friend of the Archives?
It may be that the time is right for the unpublished writings of Charles Fillmore to make their way out into a wider audience. Several people have been proponents of disseminating unpublished Fillmore writings. Blaine Mays worked with Cora Fillmore from 1951-1955 in transcribing The Hidden Man of the Bible. He recently shared recollections of his work at the 2017 Fillmore Festival (spoiler: the hidden man of the Bible is a woman) and we hope he will do so again this August at the 2018 Fillmore Festival. Ed Rabel consistently made reference to these materials in his workshops and lectures. Steve Maynard compiled a wonderful table of Bible references in The Story of Jesus' Soul Evolution and he also assessed why this 600+ page manuscript never made it into publication. And, more recently, Toni Boehm has spoken to and developed workshops around Soul Evolution.
We have shifted from a world of mass media to a world of digital media. This is the time and opportunity for all Unity scholars and interested Truth students to explore this rich trove of divine ideas, to shape them into lessons, workshops and books, and to disseminate them out into the wider culture.
You are invited to the party.
November 12, 2017

Manuscripts of Charles Fillmore
Not Yet Published by Unity

The Unity Archives has a file cabinet with folders of photocopied material that is often requested by visitors. That cabinet is known as the Ready Reference File. This is a PDF of a folder in the Ready Reference File labeled Unpublished Fillmore. The contents of the folder is notes about collected manuscripts for books that were at one time under consideration for printing, but have not been published to date.
Especially noteworthy is Rev. Steve Maynard's analysis regarding Charles Fillmore's The Story of Jesus' Soul Evolution.
Unity Archives has referred to unpublished Charles Fillmore material in it's catalog: (p.16):
The Book Manuscript File includes manuscript and editorial copy for books written by Charles S. Fillmore or books published posthumously using compilations of his writings. Items separated from the Reference File and Training School File constitute a portion of this subseries. Also noteworthy are collected manuscripts for books that were at one time under consideration for printing, but have not been published to date. These include: The Hidden Man of the Bible and The Story of Jesus' Soul Evolution.
Download PDF Download PDF of Unity Archives Ready Reference File for Unpublished Fillmore