Ponderings ...
A Visit With Dr. Catherine Ponder
Ponderings ...
A Visit With Dr. Catherine Ponder
Dr. Catherine Ponder is an author of international note. She has written more than a dozen books on prayer, healing, love, prosperity, and Bible interpretation which have been widely read in this country and abroad. She is a Life Member of INTA. She has served as minister in Unity Churches since 1956. She presently serves a global ministry, Unity Worldwide in Palm Desert, California, which she founded in 1973.
During Catherine's many years of service and world-wide outreach through her ministries and as the author of many best-selling books, she has made innumerable friends. She has brought inspiration to them as well as being blessed by their friendship. Catherine's unique, down-to-earth; get-to-the-point style of writing is again captured during the years of 1999 through 2010, when she wrote a series of articles published in the New Thought magazine, each one a delightful recollection of respect and appreciation of New Thought leaders she has had the pleasure to know.
This book is a commemorative collection of those articles for your enjoyment and is published to further acknowledge Rev. Dr. Catherine Ponder as the Honorary Chair of the International New Thought Alliance Centennial Annual World Congress.
© Catherine Ponder. All rights reserved.
No usage or posting of any kind is permitted without prior written permission from Catherine Ponder.
Used with permission.
Preceding Entry: Behind the Golden Pyramid 9: Acknowledgements
Following Entry: Ponderings ... A Visit With Dr. Catherine Ponder 2: INTA Conference Speakers