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- abortion, 125
- abundance, 101, 183
- Adam, all included in his sin, 98; ejected from Eden, 74
- Adam consciousness, 61, 171
- Adamic race, 130
- Adam method of generation, 93
- affirmations, 71, 142; used in transforming body, 168
- altar, 145; as place in consciousness, 16; of Jacob, 83
- Andrew, 117
- angels, 155
- animal nature, of man, 60
- Aorist, first, 109
- Apollo, 38
- apostles, 113
- Arimathea, represents thoughts of lofty character, 195
- Ascension, the, 162
- Ash Wednesday, 138, 141
- atoms, 38, 69, 132
- atonement, 185
- at-one-ment, 53
- authority, of Jesus, 29
- Aven, Hebrew word, 115
- baptism, source of power, 73
- beholding state of mind, 44
- being, equilibrium of, 43; inherencies of, 58; in miniature, 54; powers of, 55; pure, 170; two-in-one of, 58; where there is evidence of life, 132
- Bible, 97
- blessing, importance of, 80; of body temple, 168
- blood of Jesus, 166; salvation through, 134; saving power of, 28
- body, as spiritual, 22; as temple of God, 10, 22, 146, 167; attainment of perfection in, 168; cells in mathematical order, 152; fruit of the mind, 125; healing of, 21; layers of consciousness in, 52; man's cognizance of, 59; of man, in relation to Divine Mind, 19; outer expression of Garden of Eden, 147; perfect in mind, 20, 69; product of the mind, 10, 155; recognition of importance, 82; reveals radiant body, 186; renewal of, through thought, 98; requires spiritual quickening, 125; robbers of, 123; symbols of, in story of Jacob and Esau, 81; thoughts on conditions of, 118; translated in chariots of fire, 69
- body of Christ, 134
- bread, 192
- Calvary, "place of a skull," 195
- Cana, "place of reeds," 75
- cardiac plexus, as love center, 34
- carnal mind, 195
- cause and effect, 46
- cells, of body, 39
- change, 39
- character, delusions concerning, 67; spiritual, 145
- children, relation to the kingdom, 107
- Christ, as atonement, 185; as God's divine idea of man, 10, 15, 53, 63; as living principle, 10, 54; as perfect body, 12, 21, 26; as point of contact with race life, 133; as the one great Teacher, 140; as the one perfect pattern, 180; as universal man, 110; atoms of, 133; began series of physical incarnations, 131; body of, 134; declares power of binding and loosing, 117; individuality of, 16; radiance, 151
- Christian, mental attitude of, 76
- Christianity, progressive nature of, 37
- Christians (early), experiences in healing, 174
- Christ Mind, 71, 77
- Christ Spirit, 28
- church of Christ, 115, 160
- Colorado River, 40
- Comforter, 16, 17, 28
- concentration, necessity for, 120
- conscience, 43; how to heed, 50
- consciousness, 11, 12, 15; affirmations for realization of, 77, 78; altar the center of, 145; as result of seed ideas, 165; attainment during Lent, 140; carnal, 58; control over, in mind, 77; danger when lost, 65; foundation of, 115; God's power incorporated in, 124; layers of, in body, 52; makes heaven and hell, 116; of spiritual origin, 67; primitive relation to cause, 68; resting in Spirit, 70; satanic, 107; through righteous thinking, 141; two planes of, 176
- conservation, 162
- courage, 36
- covenant, of Jacob, 84
- creation, of God and man, difference between, 176; man most important factor in, 110; steps in, 19, 61
- creative center, faith-thinking faculty, 114
- creative source, right conception of, 25
- crucifixion, 194
- current(s), of universal life, 73; that animate body, 74
- David, 31
- death, brought on by man, 94; cause of, 19; error of belief in, 96; how to save our body from, 21; when it came into the world, 131
- degeneration, 131
- Deity, foundation of, 61
- demonstration, example of, 146; hindrances to, 18; how to make, 18
- denial, 63, 141; as repentance, 141; dissolving power of, 63; how to make, 64; of self, 53, 195
- Descartes, 121
- desire, as form of prayer, 146
- Devil, 61
- disease, 22
- Divine Mind, how to express in body, 21
- dreams, 155
- earth, universal matrix, 184
- Easter, 139, 197
- Eden, Garden of, 130, 147
- Edenic state, 115
- Edison, on atoms, 69
- ego, 55
- Egypt, 56
- electrons, spiritual, 166
- electricity, metaphor for mind action, 47-48; modern scientific view, 132
- Elijah, 3, 69; example of penitence, 138; penetrated atoms by power of thought, 179
- Elohim God, 132, 177
- end of the age (world), 26, 40-42
- energy, as life source, 125; omnipresent in atoms, 132; radiated by minds, 80; re- lease of, 71
- error, abstinence from, 141; deeply rooted in subconscious, 193; denial of, 141; depth of our bondage to, 127; destruction of, 191; has no power in itself, 141; joy in overcoming, 189; necessity for denial of, 64; three steps in overcoming, 195
- Esau, 78, 79
- ethers, spiritual, 11
- evil, denial of, 152; destruction of, 191
- evolution, race, 23, 130, 134; spiritual, 165
- experience, "school of fools," 45
- eye, limited in sight, 164; mental, 148
- Ezekiel, 91
- faculties, of mind, 147; swift development of, 157
- faith, 110, 148; as result of many affirmations, 143; center in man's brain, 148; how to develop, 72
- faith-thinking, 110; food of, 119; most important power of man, 113; nature of, 119
- fasting, 4, 5, 140
- Fenton, Ferrar, translation of Lord's Prayer, 108
- financier, Jacob, 84
- fire of God, 191
- flesh, saving from corruption, 151; symbols of, in story of Jacob and Esau, 81
- fountain, of pure life, 123
- forty, symbolic number, 3
- fourth dimension, how to enter, 170
- future, 45, 46
- Galilee, "rolling energy," 75
- Gethsemane, 134, 193
- gift, 104
- God, as absolute good, 9, 25, 68; as creative principle, 169; as Creator and ruler of universe, 9; as consuming fire, 191; as intelligence, 61; as life-giving atom, 132; as mind, first in Trinity, 14; as partner in man's prosperity, 105; as potential, unformed will, 157; as principle, 9, 14, 54; as substance, 14, 61; as supreme knowing, 156; created ideas of body, 167; does not rest, 171; falsely conceived of as a person, 25, 28; false impressions of character of, 24; grace of, 168; how to worship, 123, 143; idealized two planes of consciousness, 176; loves cheerful giver, 103; man's oneness with, 53; metaphysical understanding of, 29; never performs miracles, 179; not an angry Being, 25; of the living, 69; omnipresence of, 11; omniscience and omnipotence of, 9, 14; real body of, 22; soul of, 126; transcendent, 144; why resorts to limitations of law, 131
- Godhead, 112
- God's idea of man, 15
- God-image, 49
- God-men, 130
- God-Mind, 12, 17, 25
- Good Friday, 139
- goodness, divine, 43
- grace of God, 168
- Grand Canyon, 40
- Grand Man, 110
- halo, 148
- harmony, 111, 190
- healing, 173; power of, 117; power of nature, 22; secret of, 21; steps in, 173; through right thinking, 22
- health, 173
- heart, 91, 113
- heaven, as creative Mind, 171; definite location of, 176; definition of, 177; entering into, 157; here on earth, 145
- Herod, represents limited thoughts, 188; symbol of domineering will, 50
- Holy City, 147, 176, 188
- Holy Communion, 192
- Holy Spirit, as "breath" of God, 17; as fire of God, 191; as teacher, 16; as third in Trinity, 16; as Word of God in action, 144; cleansing power of, 68; function of, 16; here now, 68; inspiration of, 140; reveals lack in making demonstration, 18
- Holy Trinity, 14
- Holy Week, 138
- humanity, garden of God, 165
- I, as potentiality and all-comprehensive, 58; as summation of powers of Being, 55; mystery of, 56
- I AM, 12, 15, 20, 121, 124, 144; as gate, 144; as link with Father, 144; body obedient to, 21; forgives error, 161; symbolized by Jesus, 189; symbolized in Isaac, 82; without limit in capacity, 56
- ideal(s), 172; as food of faith-thinking faculty, 119; as source of substance, 184; catching, 172; character of, 47; development of, 165; of God, 53; of health, 48; power of, 80; realm of, 49; symbolized by fish, 172
- identity, formed by Christ's attributes, 110
- ignorance, keeps man from his own, 55
- illusion, world of, 89
- imagination, 154
- immortality, appearance of, 68
- imperfection, of man, 59
- incarnation(s), 26; of Christ, 131
- increase, 101
- individuality, 145
- Ingersoll, Robert, 24
- inheritance, from God, 144
- inner eye, 12
- inspiration spiritual, 173
- intellect, 77; rules today, 82
- intuition, 191
- Isaac, 78, 82
- Isaiah, 39, 40
- Israelites, 37
- Jacob, experiences after receiving blessing, 83; experiences with tithing, 85, 104; represents the mind, 79; story of receiving Isaac's blessing, 78
- Jacob's ladder, evidence of omnipresence, 83
- James, instruction to purify heart, 92; symbol of power of justice, 117
- Jehovah, as Christ, 130; as God's idea of man, 15; as word charged with power, 153; as word held in silence, 170; promise to overcomer, 180
- Jerusalem, as symbol of love center, 34; as symbol of peace and prosperity, 188; symbolizes great nerve center, 189
- Jesus, as channel for grace and truth, 169; as continuous working factor in civilization, 164; as joint heir to kingdom, 27; as light of the world, 128; as one of God-men, 130; as our helper, 164; as psychologist, 76; as Word of God, 20; authority given to, 15, 29, 55, 72; available to all, 164; blood of, 27; body offered as life transformer, 133; born to be Way-Shower, 197; brought good news of salvation from death, 96; came to give life, 132; came to save man from sin, 163; changed water to wine, 75; claimed human race as His flock, 129; developed innate powers, 164; dissolution of false will, 62; elements of His teaching, 36; entrance into Jerusalem, 139; healed sick and raised dead, 173; laid claim to prior existence, 129; mastering carnality, 162; mastery of two currents in body, 74; mission of, 17; misunderstood by contemporaries, 129; on end of the age, 26, 40; oneness with Father, 18; on fasting, 4; on God as Spirit, 29; on God of the living, 69; on greatest commandments, 34, 41; on physical resurrection, 21; on reincarnation, 94; on resistance and antagonism, 175; on single eye, 21; passion of, 138; prayers of, 65, 72; raised up whole man, 197; real character of, 128; recognition of sonship and brotherhood, 32; redemptive work of, 26; refers to Holy Spirit as Comforter, 16; relationship to human family, 129; represents man in regeneration, 163; resurrection of, in us, 13, 162; second coming of, 26; taught use of affirmative, 73; three days in tomb, 195; very God or ideal man?, 128; way to do His works, 57; went all the way from human to divine, 127
- Jews, 32, 104
- John the Baptist, 50, 141
- John the Mystic, as symbol of love faculty, 117; his vision of Jesus, 187; on mystery of Jesus, 130; presiding genius of love, 34
- Joseph of Arimathea, 195
- joy,30
- judgment, 182
- justice, universal law of, 175
- kingdom, attainment through thought, 142; how developed within man, 30; how entered, 177; keys to, 117; relation to children, 107; to be established here on earth,
- labor, 107
- Lamb of God, 124
- larynx, 74
- Last Supper, 133, 139, 192
- law, active in all of nature, 131; cannot be broken, 158; definition of, 158; of action, 47; of the All-Good, 30; of Being, 88; of denial, 70; of evolution, 165; of expression, 10; of man less than grace of God, 169; of righteous thinking, 67; of universal balance, 43; recognition of power of, 32; transgression of and punishment, 32; wipes out all transgressions, 161; works within man for re- embodiment, 93
- Lent, 3-5, 138, 140
- life, as abiding flame in us, 162; as gift of God, 161; center of, 123; conserved, 163; continuity of, 94; difference between essence and living, 60; first step in realization of, 123; higher, 126; how to appropriate more of, 123; precious in God's sight, 125; source of, 20
- life current, 123, 131; how changed, 126; how to make flow, 161; subject to word of man, 73
- life, eternal, 122; crown of, 167; hindrance to attainment of, 122; man's enmity with, 122; secret of inheriting, 122
- light, of Divine within, 141; of Spirit, 67
- limitation, false belief in, 63
- locomotive (illustration of controlled zeal), 159
- logic, argues against end of world, 41; of Truth, 19
- Logos, 15, 172
- Lord's Prayer, 72; Fenton version, 108; most powerful prayer Jesus uttered, 174; praying fifteen times, 174
- love, 30, 151; as builder of mind substance, 34; as divine ordinance, 35; as great force, 30; as idea of universal unity, 151; as Principle, 33; as servant, 35; definition of, 32; directed by wisdom, 31; distinction between divine and human, 31; dominant thoughts about, 34; obstacles to fellowship of, 35; of fellow men, 35; purity of, 33; unselfish qualities of, 31; value of affirming it, 34; why not quickly developed, 33
- magnet, spiritual, 133
- man, 54; aligns self with law, 158; and conscience, 44; animal nature of, 60; as architect, 46; as Being in miniature, 54; as transformer of all things, 55; as manifest God will, 157; as power of God in action, 153; as will of God externalized, 61; fall of, 54; foolish beliefs about God, 44; gives way to Christ man, 95; great privileges of, 58; imperfection in, 59; made in image of God, 60; of Christ, 185; office of, 119; on way to perfect expression, 54; open to God, 51; place in God's planning, 61; potentialities of, 54; primary work of, 147; real, 56; true estate of, 59
- materiality, 20, 118
- matter, 14, 66
- Maundy Thursday, 139
- meditation, 12, 15
- memory, 89; in connection with reincarnation, 99
- mental conceptions, 24
- mental dominion, 68
- mental pictures, 52, 154
- mental renewal, 13, 17, 51
- metaphysicians, logic of, 19;
- modern beliefs of, 38
- mind, conscious, 87; as crucible for ideas, 39; as meeting ground between God and man, 10; bound by time, 170; control of consciousness in, 77; dominates the body, 80; has own law of dynamics, 47; illusions created by, 88; man's cognizance of, 59; subdivisions of, 17; unified with Divine Mind in daily worship, 77, 178; use of, 87
- mind, subconscious, 87; release of light and energy in, 71; spoken of as "heart," 91; spoken of as "memory," 89; true office of, 87
- mind, superconscious, 88; as Principle, 63; instrument of regeneration, 89; laboratory of, 116; not subject to lack, 64; opposition from mind of the flesh, 131; ready to pour forth blessing, 88; wider horizons of, 110
- miracle, definition of, 178; changing water to wine, 75
- money, how to think about, 102; power of, 106; unjustly deferred to, 105
- Moses, 3, 106, 138, 154
- movement, 38
- music, principle of, 111
- Napoleon, 47
- negation, 141
- Nehemiah, 37
- new birth, 162
- Newman, Cardinal, 87
- nonresistance, 30, 195
- obedience, spirit of, 35
- omnipresence, 83
- omnipresent intelligence, 45
- oneness, with life, 123
- overcomer, 180, 190
- overcoming, 38, 180
- Palm Sunday, 139, 188
- patience, 181
- Paul, on all-sufficiency, 103; on cause of weakness, sickness, and death, 19; on condemnation, 98; on law of thought in finances, 102; on Mind of Christ in men, 111; on mystery of Christ, 27; on peace, 6; on realization of oneness, 11; on resurrection, 21; on scientific religion, 76; on Sonship of man, 130; on subjects for thought, 135
- peace, 175; of knowing God, 9; our influence for, 5
- perfection, attainment of, 18; divine idea of, 22; entering through affirmation, 142; not out of reach, 144; of body, 19; processes to, 59
- Peter, 116-120
- Pharisees, 188
- physical translation, 69
- poverty, causes of, 101
- power, 153; available to man, 54; center in throat, 155; declared by Jesus, 73; destructive, 73; new source of, 143; of the I AM, 145; twelve powers of Christ, 113
- prayer, as language of spirituality, 10; as mind action, 10; does not change God, 146; how to pray, 71; of Jesus, 72; scientific, 170; why not always effective, 72
- Principle, 177; Christ the idea of, 54; how to demonstrate, 177; legitimate outworking of, 69; of good and evil, 60; of mathematics or music, 14, 63, 156; of music, 111
- prodigal son, 88, 133
- promised land, 56, 57
- prosperity, 101; key to achieving, 85; result of work, 37; why Jews have been noted for, 104
- psychology, place in religion today, 76
- race beliefs, 72
- race consciousness, 131, 181
- race, new, 189
- realization, 170
- Rebekah, 78
- redemption, 71, 124
- re-embodiment (see reincarnation)
- regeneration, by superconscious mind, 89; only safe way to eternal life, 74; through appropriating Christ atoms, 133
- reincarnation, 93; a temporary remedy, 94; partly to be speculated on, 99; when no longer necessary, 28
- renunciation, 160
- repentance, 141
- resurrection, 197; of body, importance of, 21; of "damnation," 98; of Jesus in us, 13; not confined to Jesus, 151
- Sabbath, 171; as institution, 171; made for man, 172
- sacrament, 167
- sacrifice, privilege of, 95
- salvation, dependent on consciousness, 115; mystery of, clarified, 134; not yet fully understood, 127; of all men, 93; of world, 67
- Satan,131
- security, 33
- self, denial of, 53, 145
- self-control, 182
- selfhood, 55
- selflessness, day of, 52
- sense, center of will, 62; delusions of, 27, 61, 114; gratification of, 50; surrender to, 32; transmutation of, 196; when began to rule, 130
- Shakespeare, 40, 175
- sickness, cause of, 19
- silence, 10, 16, 170
- sin, 160
- Son of God, 14, 114, 115
- Son of man, 114
- Spirit, as dominating mind force, 9; as guide (conscience), 44; as leveler, 43; frees from delusions, 66; light of, 67; of wisdom, 12; oneness with, 11, 18; prerogative to know future, 46; science of, 42
- spiritual center, in man, 115
- spiritual energy, 125
- spiritual history, of man, 79
- strength, 149
- substance, mental, drawn from Christ, 110; nucleated by idea, 170; part of God substance, 84; represented by money, 106; sensitive to man's thoughts, 102
- substance, physical, part of God substance, 84; waste of, 163
- substance, spiritual, 11, 14, 184; everywhere present, 126; race starving for, 133; represented by Garden of Eden, 147; source of incorruptible body, 95
- superiority, false thought of, 33, 66
- talents, hindrances to expresssion of, 112
- talk, 47
- temptation, 134
- Tennyson, 144
- thinking, 191
- thought(s), about money, 102; as greatest gift of God to man, 147; as working power of mind, 64; control of, 74, 77, 116, 153; silent power of, 170; thinking faculty in the head, 113; waves of, 175
- throat, center of power, 153
- tithing, 84,104
- transfiguration, 186
- transmutation, 187
- tree of knowledge, 73
- Truth, as leaven, 196; discerned by judgment faculty, 182; dissolving error, 12, 66; established in consciousness through affirmations, 143; man cut away from, 114; meditation on, 12; of Being, 125; worked into body through thought, 125
- twelve powers of Christ, 113
- typewriting, use of subconscious mind in learning, 90
- understanding, 155; first requisite for patience, 181; fruit of Spirit's inspiration and knowledge, 157; light of, 127; two ways to get, 45
- unfoldment, 171
- unity, idea of, 151; with the Father, 27, 29
- universal man, 110
- universe, existed billions of years in past, 130; nature of, 158
- unknown God, altar to, 146
- Vanderbilt, 47
- vibrations, 38, 65
- visions, 155
- voice, 74, 153
- Voltaire, 24
- water of life, 124
- weakness, cause of, 19; denial of, 150
- will, 156; difference between seeming and pure, 62; domineering, symbolized in Herod, 50; executive power of mind, 156, 194; freedom of, 29, 55; highest aspect of, 145; man, the will of Christ, 110
- wine, 43
- wisdom, 57, 150
- word, as creative agency, 36; as creative idea in Divine Mind, 10; as second in Trinity, 15; how to keep, 10; man judged by, 75; of Christ, 12; of God, as revelation to man, 15; power of, 71; power to bring health, 174; relation to ideas, 49, 154; working power of God, 15, 17, 142
- work, 107
- world, visible and invisible, 102
- worldly fortune, 44
- Yeve, Hebrew word, 111
- youth, renewal of, 13, 70, 163
- zeal, 159