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Metaphysical meaning of Amariah (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Amariah (mbd)
Amariah, am-a-rl'-ah (Heb.)--Jah says; word of Jehovah; Jehovah enlightens.

A descendant of Aaron, by his eldest son, Eleazar. He lived during the time that Eli and his sons were in possession of the priesthood, before it reverted to the rightful line of high priests--the descendants of Aaron through his eldest son (I Chron. 6:7, 52) . There are others by this name also.

Meta. An inner assurance of sonship, of oneness with God and dependence upon His word (Jah says, word of Jehovah), which stays with one when one seems incapable of outer spiritual expression for the time being; it is the light and assurance of the inner Word with its creative power to bring forth fruit in due season.

Preceding Entry: Amana
Following Entry: Amasa