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Metaphysical meaning of Kenites (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Kenites (mbd)
Kenites, ken'-ites (fr. Heb.)--of or belonging to Kain; possessions; acquisitions; purchases; forging; welding; a smith; spear; lance.

The Kenites are thought to have been the same people as the Midianites, among whom Moses lived while he was being prepared for his work of leading the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Some of the Midianites went with the Children of Israel to Canaan, and their descendants are supposed to have been the Kenites who were friendly with Israel and were protected by them. They were dwelling among the Amalekites when Saul sent them word to get away lest he destroy them with the Amalekites (I Sam. 15:6).

Meta. The Midianites signify thoughts of contention and strife. The Kenites, who were of the Midianites, therefore have their place in the carnal consciousness of man, the enemies in the land. But they possess an element that the Canaanite nations that were to be utterly destroyed did not have. The thoughts that the Kenites of our text symbolize are distinguished from the thoughts that are in direct opposition to Spirit (Amalekites); they contain an element of good that must be saved.

The word Kenites means possessions, acquisitions, forging, welding, a smith; and one of the meanings of Midian is judgment. The thought of centralization of power, which is contained in the root word Kain, or Cain, can refer either to rulership or despotism, thrift or greed, a concentration on either good or error, personal or impersonal, a forging of strength or a driving to destruction, a central fire that radiates or consumes--all depending on how it is directed. In the Kenites we find thoughts that, though seemingly of the carnal or sense man, yet have and use a degree of judgment, discrimination, and activity for good that brings about their final upliftment into salvation.

Preceding Entry: Kenaz
Following Entry: Kenizzite