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Metaphysical meaning of Jaala (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Jaala (mbd)
Jaala, jå-a'-lå (Heb.)--going up; ascending; surmounting; reaching the summit; wild mountain goat; ibex; grace; beauty.

A servant of Solomon's, whose "children" or descendants returned from the Babylonian captivity with Zerubbabel (Neh. 7:58). In Ezra 2:56, Jaalah.

Meta. The lifting up (going up, ascending) of the adverse, reasoning, and animal phases in man to a higher and more spiritual phase of activity, wherein they can serve the Solomon rule (peace and wisdom) in consciousness.

When a ruler of Israel sinned, a male goat was made an offering for his sins, and when a common person sinned, a female goat was offered up (Lev. 4:2231). In Jesus' parable of the sheep and the goats, the goats were put at the left hand and sent away into the fires of purification (Matt. 25:33, 41). A goat therefore pertains to the adverse, sinful nature in man. It must be given up to God and so be purified, that its substance may be transmuted into higher and more spiritual thought, activity, and manifestation; thus it will serve to promote the spiritual in the individual.

Preceding Entry: Jaakobah
Following Entry: Jaare-oregim