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Metaphysical meaning of Puah2 (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Puah2 (mbd)
Puah2, pu'-ah (Heb.)--shining; brightness; giving light; splendor; beauty.

An Israelitish woman (Exod. 1:15).

Meta. The higher or spiritual phase of the soul aiding in bringing to birth, protecting, and actively radiating the light, joy, and beauty of new positive ideas in consciousness (shining, brightness, giving light, splendor, beauty). Puah was a midwife who was commanded by Pharaoh, king of Egypt, to kill all male Hebrew children at birth; this would mean, in symbol, to deny out of consciousness every new, positive spiritual idea that comes to mind. She did not do this, however, but trusted in God and obeyed Him rather than man. So she saved the children alive, to the increasing power of the Israelites and to the great fear of the Egyptians that they would become outnumbered and overthrown.

Preceding Entry: Puah
Following Entry: Publius