Why Not Be Rich? by Martha Giudici
Why Not Be Rich? is a multi-media study course in prosperity, developed and taught by Martha Giudici, a legendary Unity minister. This program is special—very special—and I say that knowing full well that Unity has had many great prosperity teachers and that there are many excellent prosperity programs out there on the market.
This program can be delivered as a six-part Sunday sermon series, it can be delivered as the minister's "prosperity class" in a Unity church, or it can be your own, individual home study. Each of the six lessons has a printable page for including in your Sunday bulletin or handing out to your class. It's got audio and text, it's got pictures and links, and I think you will like the cost.
But that's not why you should take the time to explore this program. The real reason is that it works ...
If you listen to Martha Giudici's series on Prosperity for just ten minutes your good will begin to flow. She's not chicken soup for the impoverished soul, she's a sixteen ounce can of energy drink. We have here our own Aunt Martha—a trustworthy friend who will quickly set us straight on how life and money work. Go to her when you're stuck. You'll get unstuck.
This study course in prosperity by Unity's legendary teacher is unique in several ways. To begin, Martha Giudici appeals to Truth students of all walks of life and to those with different views of how life works. Five years ago my wife borrowed my car and she heard Martha in the CD player. "Who is that woman? Can I have those CDs?" she asked. She has been a tither ever since. Later on, I recommended the series to a very intelligent guy—someone with a Ph.D. who taught at a major research university here in Texas—who told me that he found over $3,000 after following Martha's instructions in the second lesson.

Second, these recordings have been segmented into 120 short clips, each one being two or three minutes, and each containing a central point that Martha is making about prosperity. So you can easily skip around and return to things that are resonating with you.
Third, each lesson has a PDF that you can download. You will see it referred to as the "bulletin." You can print it out for making notes for personal study or group study. If you are leading a church and are looking for a good sermon series, these bulletins can be printed and inserted into your Sunday bulletin.
Most important, this home study course is presented in multimedia format. What is a multimedia format? As the graphic shows, it's Text + Audio + Graphic Images + Links. This means that while you listen to any one of the 120 audio clips, you can also read along to what Martha is saying. Here and there you will see pictures of people and things that Martha mentions, along with links to find out more information.
Take your time with these lessons. Allow Martha to be your guide. She's wise. She's trustworthy. And she cares for you.
May you enjoy these lessons by Martha Giudici. May you hear Spirit speak to you as you listen to them. May your mind be open to the abundance of the world we inhabit. And, most important, may your new-found prosperity be a blessing to all who come into your life.