Hi Friends,
The faces you see above were some of the most trusted friends and associates of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. From March through August in 1919, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore entered into a free-style discussion with their most trusted teachers. That the Unity teachers were able to question Charles Fillmore about the most fundamental teachings of Unity is remarkable.
Unity Teachers Meeting Report - 1919/04/07
Unity Teachers Meeting Report - 1919/04/14
Unity Teachers Meeting Report - 1919/04/21
Unity Teachers Meeting Report - 1919/05/05
Unity Teachers Meeting Report - 1919/05/12
Unity Teachers Meeting Report - 1919/05/28
Unity Teachers Meeting Report - 1919/08/25
List of teachers participating in Unity Teachers Meetings
Teachers in Unity provided Thought Leadership, which means that it was teachers who worked out the fine details and ramifications of what Unity taught through its publications and through the work of its field lecturers.
What I have here are transcripts of their discussions, found in the Unity Archives, collection 1062. There were probably more than what we have found here and they are likely mixed in with the Charles Fillmore papers. I encourage you to take a close look at the August 28, 1919 meeting at which the discussion focused on the nature of the spiritual body.
Sunday, August 21, 2022