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Metaphysical meaning of En-gedi (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of En-gedi (mbd)
En-gedi, en-ge'-di (Heb.)--fount of the kid; kid's fountain; fountain of Gad; fountain of fortune.

A city of Judah in the wilderness (Josh. 15:62). David lived in the strongholds of En-gedi (I Sam. 23:29) and in the wilderness of En-gedi (I Sam. 24: 1) for a time while he was hiding from Saul. The vineyards of En-gedi are mentioned in Song of Solomon 1:14, and Ezekiel speaks of En-gedi in connection with En-eglaim as being a place where fishers shall stand and spread their nets and shall catch many fish after their kinds (Ezek. 47:10).

Meta. The individual love (David) consciousness, consecrating itself to Spirit and earnestly seeking after, and increasing its realization of, the cleansing, freeing, redeeming Truth of Spirit, water of life; also the joy and power that come to one from a realization of the springing up of the cleansing life of Spirit (fountain) in consciousness, and the great increase of true ideas with their fruition for good in both mind and body. (Fount of the kid, fountain of Gad, fountain of fortune; Gad and kid are closely related, in the meaning of En-gedi, and come from the same root. They come from the idea of cutting off, cropping, as in eating; making a decision, a determination of fortune, casting a lot.) "In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness" (Zech. 13:1).

Preceding Entry: En-gannim
Following Entry: En-haddah