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Metaphysical meaning of Bazlith (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Bazlith (mbd)
Bazlith, baz'-l ith (Heb.)--stripping; peeling; nakedness; asking.

His "children" belonged to the Nethinim who returned from the Babylonian captivity with Zerubbabel (Neh. 7:54); he is called Bazluth, in Ezra 2:52.

Meta. Bazlith and his children belong to the letting-go or "denial" phase of the mind in its work of rebuilding soul and body in Truth (stripping nakedness asking). The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and of the Temple by the returned Jews after the Babylonian captivity typifies the reconstruction of the body temple into spiritual expression and manifestation--immortality.

Preceding Entry: Bayith
Following Entry: Bealiah