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WHEN ASKED what electricity is, a scientist replied that he had often thought of it as an adjunct to faith, judging from the way it acts.
This linking of faith and electricity seems at first glance fantastic, but when we observe what takes place when certain substances in solution and an electric current are brought in conjunction, there seems to be a confirmation of the Scripture passage: "Now faith is assurance of things hoped for."
Just as the electric current precipitates certain metals in solution in acid, so faith stirs into action the electrons of man's brain; and acting concurrently with the spiritual ethers, these electrons hasten nature and produce quickly what ordinarily requires months of seedtime and harvest.
The widow, in the time of Elisha, was so distressed with debt that she had even mortgaged to slavery her two children. She appealed to the prophet, who said, "What hast thou in the house?" She replied, "Thy handmaid hath not anything in the house, save a pot of oil." He told her to borrow all the empty vessels her neighbors had and then to go into the house and shut the door, and to pour the oil in the pot into all those vessels; which she did until they were all full. She then paid her debts and had
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plenty left.
Jesus fed four thousand persons at one time and five thousand at another by the same means. He also "precipitated" the elements of wholeness many times and healed the multitude. He required co-operation in faith on the part of those He healed in order thus to complete the healing circuit.
Speedy answers to prayer have always been experienced and always will be when the right relations are established between the mind of the one who prays and the spiritual realm, which is like an electrical field. The power to perform what seems to be miracles has been relegated to some God-selected one; but now we are inquiring into the law, since God is no respecter of persons, and we find that the fulfillment of the law rests with man or a group of men, when they quicken by faith the spiritual forces latent within them.
The reason why some prayers are not answered is lack of proper adjustment of the mind of the one who prays to the omnipresent creative spiritual life.
Jesus was the most successful demonstrator of prayer of whom we have any record, and He urged persistence in prayer. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Like Lincoln, Jesus loved to tell stories to illustrate His point, and He emphasized the value of persistence in prayer. He told of a woman who demanded justice of a certain judge and importuned
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him until in sheer desperation he granted her request.
Every Christian healer has had experiences where persistent prayer saved his patient. If he had merely said one prayer, as if giving a prescription for the Lord to fill, he would have fallen far short of demonstrating the law. Elijah prayed persistently until the little cloud appeared or, as we should say, he had a "realization"; then the manifestation followed.
The Bible is treasured as the word of God because it records so many of these apparent miracles; but the fact is that all over this land enough demonstrations of the supermind are taking place every day to fill many books of the size of the Bible. Some of them are recorded, and people read about them, but these are few compared with the many that are taking place. All of which goes to prove that there is a restorative law that, if taken advantage of, will heal the world of all its ills.
Many of the old-school faith healers object to the scientific explanation of the healing process. They have believed in a personal God and that all superworld forces are set in motion by His personal intervention. However it is much more satisfying to logical minds to know that God is the law and that the Spirit that we have thought of as a projection of Him is in fact He Himself in His own spiritual identity. This is the teaching of Jesus, and our
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men of science are proving it to be true. An understanding of this all-accessible Truth is making seers, prophets, and mighty men of God out of pygmies. On every hand men of mediocre ability are becoming world leaders through exploiting the supermind qualities that they have merely glimpsed as existing within them.
These ephemeral Caesars have gained in inkling of the disciplined mind's dominion and are using it to control the negative mass thought, and through the hypnotic force of words they evolve chaos and dark night the world over.
When men accept and understand Jesus' teaching about the mastery of the spiritual man, all the evils that arise from these upstart saviors will disappear. But now in the night of mind's eclipse
"We petty men Walk under his huge legs, and peep about To find ourselves dishonorable graves."
Then the question arises, If this supermind ability is in every man, why is it not more widely understood and used?
There are several answers to this pertinent question, the most plausible being the lack of human initiative. Men prefer to let others do their thinking for them. This is especially true in religious matters. The race thought has been so saturated with the belief that spiritual revelation must come through some authorized channel that the man without an ecclesiastical
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degree is timid about expressing an opinion about God or man's spiritual nature. Jesus broke this hypnotic spell when without ecclesiastical authority He claimed to be the Son of God.
We should remember that Jesus included as sons of God all those who, as He said, are "my sheep," that is, follow Him. He quoted Psalms 82, in which it is written,
"I said, Ye are gods, And all of you sons of the Most High."
The church elders and the people cried, "Crucify him!" Jesus taught great truths, which were grasped by but a few open-minded followers, and they formed a new church. After doing mighty works for hundreds of years they in turn, built an ecclesiastical hierarchy from which the common people were excluded. The Church Fathers gathered and selected certain religious manuscripts and compiled the Bible, which they proclaimed to be the very word of God, to be read and interpreted by those only having the authority of the church.
Here again we see positive thought submitting to negative thought, thereby keeping the world in darkness for ages.
As Luther started the Protestant Reformation so we are now at the beginning of another reformation, in which the freedom and power of man spiritually will not only be taught but demonstrated.
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The supermind demonstrations that mark this modern religious reformation seem so at variance with nature that they are still looked upon as miracles, notwithstanding the fact that logic and science shout from the housetops the universality of law.
Those who study the spiritual import of Jesus' teaching have revealed to them a mental technique for which no adequate language has yet been invented.
The Jews demanded of Jesus that He tell them plainly, and His reply was that His works would testify that He was the Son of God and that He and the Father were one. We who have experienced Spirit baptism freely testify to the dynamic thrill that ripples through the nerves for days and months and is often repeated in silent meditation for years after the first outpour. Thus revelation, observation, and actual experience prove that man develops spirituality according to the divine pattern called in Genesis the image and likeness of God.

In many other places in his writings (particularly in "Mysteries of Genesis") Mr. Fillmore deals with the concept of man as he is today as being in a "fallen" state. That is, we were once consciously divine, but through desire for sensations departed from that level of consciousness and became involved with our own thought creations. In this concept, we are now working to regain what we once had. In the passage above, Mr. Fillmore takes the alternative view. Here he says, "The natural man in the physical world is merely the beginning formation of the man planned by creative Mind." In this concept we have always been moving in a forward direction toward new goals, not regaining what we have lost, but progressing into that which we have not yet experienced. Many students ask, "Which one is correct?" The answer would seem to be that either one might be correct. But whichever is correct, it does not change our destiny in any way. We must all continue to work on consciousness.
Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, The Trinity in Man, Mankind's Destination
- Ed Rabel
The natural man in the physical world is merely the beginning formation of the man planned by creative Mind. When the natural man finishes his unfoldment he enters the next stage, that of the Christ man illustrated by Jesus. [TruthUnity note: the following was in the original edition, but removed from later editions] In our schools the student is expected to get his education in a certain number of years. So in the divine school we are limited to the period that is spoken of as "the end of the age," the age of the Christ man just now beginning. [End of redaction] Jesus was the first man or "fruit" of the earth's first age, that of the natural man. He opened the way for all those who aspire to the attainment of immortality.
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To the present time the followers of Jesus have been told by spiritual leaders that He taught the immortality of the soul only. But now it is revealed that He immortalized His body and said, "Follow me." It was man's sins that brought death to his body, and his redemption must include the healing of the body. When the mind is healed of its sins the body will respond. "Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which ye have from God."
So we find as we study and apply the doctrine of Jesus that the body must be included. Faith in the omnipresent pure substance precipitates the substance in the body and we are transformed.
Proofs may be found in profusion that the divine law of body restoration is in action in a large way right here in our midst. The literature of Unity teems with testimonials of persons who have been healed and are grateful to God for renewed health, strength, prosperity, and happiness. Thus it is not necessary to strengthen your faith by reading about the work of God in ages past; you can personally consult your neighbor, who can doubtless tell you of marvels fully as great as any recorded in the Bible.
The majority of cases that come to us belong to the class of the discouraged woman told of in Luke 8:43, "who spent all her living upon physicians, and could not be healed." Doctors have pronounced them incurable, and as a last resort they turn to God. The hardest part of the work in their healing
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is to get out of their minds the verdict of the doctor that their cases are incurable. We have discovered that there are no incurables. "With God all things are possible." Any experienced metaphysical healer will tell you that he has been the instrument through which all the popular diseases have been healed.
Some of the stories told by patients are beyond human credence; for example, the restoration of the eyes of a man from which they had been removed, and the growth of the nose of a woman who had lost it by disease. These are very rare but well authenticated in metaphysical circles. I am not prepared to give the names of these cases, but I can testify to my own healing of tuberculosis of the hip. When a boy of ten I was taken with what was at first diagnosed as rheumatism but developed into a very serious case of hip disease. I was in bed over a year, and from that time an invalid in constant pain for twenty-five years, or until I began the application of the divine law. Two very large tubercular abscesses developed at the head of the hip bone, which the doctors said would finally drain away my life. But I managed to get about on crutches, with a four-inch cork-and-steel extension on the right leg. The hip bone was out of the socket and stiff. The leg shriveled and ceased to grow. The whole right side became involved; my right ear was deaf and my right eye weak. From hip to knee the flesh was a glassy adhesion with but little sensation.
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When I began applying the spiritual treatment there was for a long time slight response in the leg, but I felt better, and I found that I began to hear with the right ear. Then gradually I noticed that I had more feeling in the leg. Then as the years went by the ossified joint began to get limber, and the shrunken flesh filled out until the right leg was almost equal to the other. Then I discarded the cork-and-steel extension and wore an ordinary shoe with a double heel about an inch in height. Now the leg is almost as large as the other, the muscles are restored, and although the hip bone is not yet in the socket, I am certain that it soon will be and that I shall be made perfectly whole.
I am giving minute details of my healing because it would be considered a medical impossibility and a miracle from a religious standpoint. However I have watched the restoration year after year as I applied the power of thought, and I know it is under divine law. So I am satisfied that here is proof of a law that the mind builds the body and can restore it.