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Metaphysical meaning of Doeg (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Doeg (mbd)
Doeg, do'-eg (Heb.)--fearful; anxious; timid.

A servant of King Saul's, one of his chief herdsmen (I Sam. 21:7). Doeg told Saul that Ahimelech the priest had befriended David, and he slew the priests at Saul's command (I Sam. 22:9, 18).

Meta. Fearfulness, anxiety, and timidity, in individual consciousness. This is a result of believing in the impossibility of lifting the physical or outer consciousness into spirituality and establishing it in the Truth. This belief when in control of the vital forces in one (Doeg was Saul's chief herdsman) does much to destroy, or to bring into inactivity, one's spiritual qualities (Ahimelech and the other priests whom Doeg slew). See AHIMELECH.

Preceding Entry: Dodo
Following Entry: door of the Temple