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Metaphysical meaning of Claudius Lysias (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Claudius Lysias (mbd)
Claudius Lysias, clau'-di-us lys'-i-as (Lat.).

The same man as Lysias (Acts 23:26).

Meta. See LYSIAS.

clay (John 9:6).

Meta. Jesus anointed the blind man's eyes with clay. This is to symbolize the specific idea that stands in the way of clear vision. Clay represents a belief in materiality; a belief that certain manifest substances are matter and are void of the inherent powers and qualities of Being, which are omnipresent. The false idea that there is a lack of life, substance, and intelligence anywhere must be denied away, since it puts the soul in bondage: "Go, wash in the pool of Siloam." (See SILOAM.)

Preceding Entry: Claudius
Following Entry: Clement