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The Master Key To Every Kingdom: Grace

Everyman’s Church of Divine Grace

The Church of the Ascended Lord in the minds
and hearts of people who accept His Grace
This Church1 has one foundation,
   Christ Jesus is her Lord;
She is His new creation
   By His ascended Word:
In Heaven He now beholds her
   As His most holy Bride:
And to His Heart He clasps her,
   The Church that is world-wide.2

Elect from every nation,3
   Yet one o’er all the earth,
Her charter of salvation
   One Lord, one faith, one birth,4
One holy Name she blesses,
   Partakes One holy Food,5
And in one Robe6 she dresses
   With every grace endued.

No more with scornful wonder
   Men see her sore opprest,
By schisms rent asunder,
   By heresies distrest:
And "saints”7 glad watch now keeping,
   No longer cry, "How long?”
For lo, the night of weeping
   Is turned the morn of song.
Gone toil and tribulation,
   And tumult of her war,
She knows the consummation
   Of peace forevermore;
And with the Fact8 full glorious
   Her Faithful eyes are blest,
For the great Church triumphant
   Is now the Church at rest.

And she on earth9 hath union
   With God the THREE in ONE,10
And happy sweet communion
   Of those whose rest11 is won:
O blessed Church and holy!
   God gives us Grace that we,
In Light and Love and Glory,
   May dwell eternally.

(Adapted from the Reverend S. J. Stone’s “The Church’s One Foundation”—No. 464 in the Episcopal hymnbook)

“He is the head of the body, the church.” (Col. 1:18)

  1. Place of worship in the soul.
  2. The realization of truth that is apparent as blessing in all our mind, body and world.
  3. From every part of our nature.
  4. The re-birth of soul into His Grace.
  5. Christ Jesus realization.
  6. One state of perfect consciousness.
  7. Perfected thoughts and feelings in us.
  8. The manifestation of truth in our lives.
  9. In actuality as well as in ideality.
  10. The Holy Trinity of Father, Son Manifest, and Holy Spirit Comforter.
  11. As peace of mind and joyous living.

The author expresses grateful appreciation to the friends and well wishers of this book who have generously and graciously shown their interest in it.

© 1947, Crichton Russ Boatwright