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Metaphysical meaning of Ramath-mizpeh (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Ramath-mizpeh (mbd)
Ramath-mizpeh, rå'-math-miz-peh (Heb.)--height of Mizpeh; height of the watchtower; height for seeing far and wide; elevation of the watcher; high watch.

A border city of Gad (Josh. 13:26).

Meta. Mizpah (watchtower) signifies spiritual watching, one's being on guard against the encroachment of error, keeping one's attention fixed steadfastly on the perfect good to which one aspires. "Take ye heed, watch and pray," was the admonition of Jesus.

Ramath-mizpeh (height of Mizpeh) refers to the very high phase of thought or of mind from which this spiritual watching is done, even the spiritual or Christ consciousness.

Preceding Entry: Ramath-lehi
Following Entry: Rameses