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Metaphysical meaning of Tobijah (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Tobijah (mbd)
Tobijah, to-bi-jah (Heb.)--Jehovah is good; goodness of Jehovah; Jah's goodness; pleasing unto Jah.

a One of the Levites whom Jehoshaphat sent throughout Judah to teach the law to the people (II Chron. 17:8). b A Jewish captive from whom Zechariah was to take silver and gold to make a crown for Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest (Zech. 6:10, 14).

Meta. Thoughts, belonging to the high and spiritual phase of man, that, having laid hold of the idea of divine goodness, aid in establishing the consciousness of the individual in wisdom and substance (Jehovah is good, goodness of Jah, Jah's goodness).

Preceding Entry: Tobiah
Following Entry: Tochen