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Metaphysical meaning of Muth-labben (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Muth-labben (mbd)
Muth-labben, muth'-lab'-ben (Heb.) --death of the son; even unto the death of the son; forever and forever; with virgin voice for boys.

A word mentioned in the title of the 9th Psalm.

Meta. The overcoming power of a holy life, or of thoughts untainted by limiting and error beliefs and activities (with virgin voice for boys, voice relating to power, and virgins to unadulterated Truth both in thought and in living). Even unto the death of the son here refers to the passing out from consciousness of thoughts and tendencies that connect one with the human limitations of generation. Forever and forever bespeaks the perpetuity of Truth.

Preceding Entry: Mushites
Following Entry: Myra