Twenty-Seven Prosperity Talks
Click Here to Download Favorite Unity Radio Talks in PDF format.
Hi Friends,
Here is a PDF of Favorite Unity Radio Talks, a book of 27 short essays about prosperity and successful living. You can get a sense for the content by the essay titles, such as Be Calm, You Do Not Work Alone, Relaxation, Freeing Others, Friendship and Thanks for Everything.
I had a difficult week. These essays are pulling me out of my slump. I've added the text for the first essay in the next page and I will be adding all 27 texts as I work through them (and my slump) ;
I hope they bless you as they are blessing me.
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Favorite Unity Radio Talks
Favorite Unity Radio Talks was first published in 1950. This is the first printing.
Is Dedicated
To the more than three million regular listeners to "Unity Viewpoint,” Unity’s nationwide radio program, and to the hundreds who wrote asking that the most helpful scripts used on this program be printed in book form for timeless enjoyment—to each of these we say:
"They’re simple words, yet when I say,
'God bless you,’
Every good wish goes with you on your way;
A fervent prayer,
These simple words 'God bless you,’
Carry it with you night and day:
To guide, if mist should cloud your sky,
To comfort, when tears dim your eye.
My heart and soul are in this benediction:
'God bless you everyone.’ ”
- Happiness for You
- Whatever You Want
- Success
- Be Calm
- Prayer and Patience
- Self-Confidence
- You Do Not Work Alone
- Constructive Speech.
- Be Not Weary
- A Beauty Treatment
- "Neither Do I Condemn Thee”
- Overcoming Mistakes
- Change Your Life
- Changing Conditions
- Age
- Relaxation
- A Cure for Worry
- Freeing Others
- Flexibility
- Getting Along with People
- Praying Amiss
- Imagine That!
- About Divorce
- Fear Not
- Don’t Criticize
- Friendship
- Thanks for Everything
The material in Favorite Unity Radio Talks first appeared in various Unity publications. Each radio script herein is an abridgment or adaptation of some Unity article. In some cases the titles of the original articles have been changed for use in this book, but the name of the author of the original material appears at the end of each chapter. Grateful acknowledgment is made to these Unity authors for their contribution to the Unity work. Their material was helpful when it was first printed; it brought light to many seekers of Truth when it was used on the radio; and we know that in this book these messages will continue their helpfulness and prove a blessing to the readers and to the authors.
–Unity School of Christianity
Publisher's Announcement
Favorite Unity Radio Talks is published by the Unity School of Christianity, an independent educational institution devoted to teaching the principles of Christianity and the application of these principles to everyday life and affairs. In addition to Favorite Unity Radio Talks Unity School publishes the following other books:
- Atom-Smashing Power of Mind, by Charles Fillmore
- Beginning Again, by Frank B. Whitney
- Best-Loved Unity Poems, a collection
- Both Riches and Honor, by Annie Rix Militz
- Christ Enthroned in Man, by Cora Fillmore
- Christian Healing, by Charles Fillmore
- Effectual Prayer, by Frances W. Foulks
- God a Present Help, by H. Emilie Cady
- God Is the Answer, by Dana Gatlin
- Great Physician, The, by Ernest C. Wilson
- Have We Lived Before?, by Ernest C. Wilson
- How I Used Truth, by H. Emilie Cady
- Jesus Christ Heals, by Charles Fillmore
- Know Thyself, by Richard Lynch
- Lessons in Truth, by H. Emilie Cady
- Letters of Myrtle Fillmore, a collection
- Lovingly in the Hands of the Father, by Evelyn Whitell
- Mightier than Circumstance, by Frank B. Whitney
- Mysteries of Genesis, by Charles Fillmore
- Mysteries of John, by Charles Fillmore
- New Ways to Solve Old Problems, by Lowell Fillmore
- Prosperity’s Ten Commandments, by Georgiana Tree West
- Selected Studies, by Imelda Octavia Shanklin
- Sunlit Way, The, by Ernest C. Wilson
- Talks on Truth, by Charles Fillmore
- Teach Us to Pray, by Charles and Cora Fillmore
- Truth Ideas of an M. D., by Dr. C. O. Southard
- Twelve Powers of Man, The, by Charles Fillmore
- What Are You?, by Imelda Octavia Shanklin
- Whatsoever Ye Shall Ask, by Zelia M. Walters
- Working with God, by Gardner Hunting
- You and Your Child, by Zelia M. Walters
- You Can Be Healed, by Clara Palmer
These books cover so many subjects of general and vital interest that among them you are sure to find one that meets a need of your own or that of a friend. Beautifully bound, gilt stamped, these lovely Unity books are priced at $1 each.
Lee’s Summit, Missouri