Love Yourself Into Wholeness
by Frank Giudici
(Click on the graphic below to get a large graphic for pasting into your Sunday bulletin)
Are you carrying around some feeling about something you regret having done? Is there something about your body you don’t like? Do you harbor shame or guilt about some secret habit? If so, know that Frank Giudici can help you release from these things through his workshop Love Yourself Into Wholeness.
Frank and Martha had a niece who recently wrote to me:
Uncle Frank was truly a man who lived what he spoke. Even in everyday family life. I was blessed to have him a simple phone call away any time I was in need. Sometimes when I was really angry and wanted some validation in my anger he would lovingly turn my thoughts around, by the time we hung up, I was looking through peaceful loving eyes! I have been so blessed to have both Frank and Auntie Mart (Martha) in my life!
Well, you can have Uncle Frank in your own life, helping you love yourself into wholeness. He's in my life, because when I first listened to Frank's workshop I released a regret that had dogged me since 1976, and I cried for forty-five minutes. My only caution is to block out two hours before you start and don't skip around. The four parts build upon one another and you need to give the audio the same attention as if Uncle Frank were sitting across from you.
Thank you, Frank and Martha Giudici, for continuing to bless us with your beautiful, loving and kind selves and the Spirit of God that continues to flow through you.

These recordings have been segmented into 56 short clips, each one being two or three minutes, and each containing a central point that Frank is making about spiritual healing. So you can easily skip around and return to things that are resonating with you.
This resource is part of a series of resources that are intended to encourage healing of childhood pains. You are encouraged revisit them each year between Mother's Day and Father's Day. We have given that intention a name: A Season for Healing.