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Fifty-Five Expansion Opportunties for Unity Pioneers

Expansion Opportunties for Unity Pioneers in 2010

(July 2014 note: this map has been deleted. See Mark for the detailed information that it conveyed)

When the census was taken in 2010, the Census Bureau published a list of the 100 fastest-growing counties (there are over 3,000 counties in the United States). How many of these 100 fastest-growing counties are without a Unity church? Approximately fifty-five.

To see these counties:

  • Go to (or click on the graphic above)
  • You will then see Red markers and Yellow markers. Red markers are Unity churches that exist. Yellow markers are counties that are among the one hundred fastest-growing and yet do not have a Unity church.
  • To see only the yellow markers, click on the legend in the lower left corner.
  • To see a list of these markers, click on the double arrows () in the upper right and scroll down to "Expansion Opportunities."

I know that not all of these 55 yellow markers are true expansion opportunities. Some are too small, others are too close to an existing ministry. However many are clearly prime opportunities. May we use this map as a tool to bring consciousness to these opportunities.