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Emma Curtis Hopkins

Emma Curtis Hopkins

October 28,2021
High Street Cemetery, Dayville, Connecticut

Emilie Cady

Emilie Cady

Emilie Cady

Emilie Cady

Emilie Cady

Emilie Cady

Emilie Cady

Emilie Cady

Emilie Cady

Emilie Cady

Emilie Cady

About Emma Curtis Hopkins

Emma Curtis Hopkins was a New Thought leader. This page is a marker for a future profile. She is buried in Dayville, Connecticut.

If you want to know more about Emma Curtis Hopkins then the best resources is Gail Harley's biography of her, Emma Curtis Hopkins: Forgotten Founder of New Thought. I may be the best scholarly biography of anyone in New Thought. Here is a wonderful review of the book.


Download a Certificate of Ordination of Charles Fillmore, dated December 1, 1890. This document was sent to me by Rev. Michael Schoonover of Unity Way Church in Vista, California. He obtained it from the website. Rev. Michael notes that the certificate is signed by Emma Curtis Hopkins and Annie E. Rix. This indicates that Charles Fillmore was a student of not only Emma Curtis Hopkins, but also a student of Annie Rix (later Militz).