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Christ consciousness is the name of the evolutionary goal for the present human family on earth

Christ consciousness is the name of the evolutionary goal for the present human family on earth. The term itself is hard to define or explain, and we often end up repeating words like Christ, divine, and perfect. So rather than attempt an intellectually satisfying explanation of it, we urge Truth students to let their intuition give them a "feel" for this term. Mr. Fillmore helpfully reminds us that in our present state of consciousness, the only begotten Son (Christ) is still in the seed stage in most of us. We are still working to germinate that seed. Most of us are still far from being able to express the Christ to any degree of fullness. But right now our direction is the most important thing. Greater wonders will come later! Ed Rabel, Metaphysics 1, The Christ in You, Christ Consciousness"