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“Metaphysical Pharmacopoeia”

“Metaphysical Pharmacopoeia” published in Unity magazine, May 1918
“Metaphysical Pharmacopoeia” published in Unity magazine, May 1918

Hi Friends -

Tomorrow is Memorial Day. I had hoped to reach into Unity’s heritage for some lesson, tract, talk or article that might speak to the virtue of service and that might provide wisdom or insight about achieving peace amidst war and conflict. I came up short.

What that says to me is that the appropriate way to honor our veterans is, appropriately, a day of rest, contemplation, healing and gratitude. God speaks to you and I this day. Our task today and tomorrow is to slow down and allow God’s love do it’s perfect work in you and in me and in our world.

So the best I can offer this Sunday is a short video clip from Unity in Georgetown on Memorial Day in 2011, an article entitled Can Christ Prevent War? from Unity magazine in 1937 and “Metaphysical Pharmacopoeia” — a light but insightful piece published one hundred years ago in Unity magazine, May 1918.

Rest well.

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Sunday, May 27, 2018