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Ed Rabel - Love in the Bible 2

This talk was given by Ed Rabel on May 4, 1993.


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Father, we are grateful, amen.

All right, friends, we ended our class yesterday with using Joseph as an example of what we call forgiving love in the magnanimous sense rather than the divine sense. That is the love, the forgiveness that Joseph bestowed on his brothers at the end of the story was human magnanimity not divine love, which is unconditional. Just like only God’s love is unconditional love.

All human love is conditioned that’s why we call it human love. There are many kinds of human love because it is conditional but there’s not many kinds of God’s love because it’s the only unconditional love. For instance, human love can be affectionate love, can be admiration love, can be gratitude love, can be erotic love, can be brotherly love, because all human love has to be conditioned from the unconditioned love which is God love. All right?

Now, many metaphysicians and truth teachers teach that among all of the human expressions of love, which is always conditioned—don’t fall for that buzzword going around now, unconditional love when it pertains to human beings. God’s love is the unconditional love. Human love is always conditioned, always.

The highest type of conditioned love that human beings can bestow is called forgiving love. All other conditions of love are very good, very important, very vital, but the highest and most sublime expression of love of all is human love is forgiving love.

Now, I hope in some of your minds, your question is “why?” Why is forgiving love the most sublime form of human love? For this reason, folks, almost all other types of love are generated because of something nice and beautiful has occurred.

Come on folks. All those other forms of love are usually reactions to something fine and beautiful and good has occurred. Forgiving love is called forth only when something bad has happened. When there’s been some offense committed. Don’t frown at me. I’m talking intelligent English. All other types of human love are expressions because something nice, and good, and beautiful, and desirable has happened so that calls forth love in me.

What would call forth the very hard effort of forgiving love for any of us? Because something happens that needs to be forgiven. Now, do you need to forgive nice things that have happened? Pleasant things that have happened? The only things we need to forgive are bad things that have happened, wrong things that have happened, offenses, insults, even crimes. You see these are the things that call forth forgiving love. Forgiving love is the only kind of love that requires real effort.

The other kind of love over something pleasant is like rolling off a log. It’s just like giving thanks after you’ve received the goodies is easy as pie. It’s a polite reaction but giving thanks before, in advance, is prayer because that takes effort. Forgiving love always is required because something bad has happened to me and that makes it hard and I have to make an effort at forgiving love.

Think of your own life. You’ve never had to forgive because something good has been given to you or pleasant has turned out for you. You’ve always had to forgive because something rotten happened to you, something that should not have happened but did. You could go either go around resenting it and talking about it and poisoning your consciousness and getting ugly and dying. If you were wise enough to remember forgiving love, you didn’t poison your consciousness, you beautified and purified your consciousness. You got rid of that pocket of poison called unforgiveness which kills people, causes cancer, causes arthritis, causes death. Forgiveness causes eternal life. The highest type of love is forgiving love.

Another thing that forgiving love does for a person, it changes our consciousness of love from a subjective emotion, a mood into or a sentiment into a great creative power. Now, when you are expressing love only because good thing have happened to you, this is a reaction. This is a mood. This is a sentiment. This is an emotion. It’s pleasant but it is not creative. It’s just pleasant.

When you are giving forgiving love, which requires deep effort, you change your consciousness of love from what it usually is, which is just a subjective emotion, a mood or a sentiment into a great creative power! Did you hear me out there?

Done that on a mood, a sentiment or a reaction but a creative power and that is what forgiving love does. When something wrong is done to you, when you are offended next time, give thanks for it and realize this is my opportunity to generate some forgiving love. What you’ll do to your consciousness is beyond description, folks. You will become more Christ-like than anything else could do for you. I’ve made my pitch.

Now, we’ve finished with our Book of Genesis and most of you know what the second book in our bible is, don’t you? Exodus, very long book. I’ve got some news for you that you didn’t expect. It’s very hard to believe that love is not even mentioned in so important a book in the Bible as Exodus. Unbelievable.

Now, it’s significant that this book, the Book of Exodus, is actually the foundation scripture for the Hebrew religion. Those of you who know anything about the Hebrew religion know that Genesis is not the foundation book for the Hebrew religion. Exodus is. Do you get these, folks?

All of the rules and laws of the Hebrew religion are based on Exodus not on Genesis. It is a saga when you read the Book of Exodus, not just the Ten Commandments but the whole book. You will be, my favorite word that I used twice yesterday, appalled. If you read the whole Book of Exodus you will be appalled because it is a saga of violence, hatred and revenge with love seemingly ignored unless favoritism can be construed as love. If you choose to construe favoritism as love then there is some love in the Book of Exodus. If you’re like me and Charles Fillmore, I don’t consider favoritism as love, as a synonym for love. If you do, that’s your prerogative but I suspect that most of you who are sane don’t.

Now, I will compromise just a little bit here. After all, one must compromise when necessary.

After I wrote all this I thought what if I’m wrong, what if I made a mistake, they’ll clubber me. I went over it again and I found something that I can compromise a little bit on. The nearest to even a hint of love can be found in the fifth of the Ten Commandments. Honor thy father and thy mother, but even there it doesn’t say what. Love your father and your mother. It says honor them but kids I can honor somebody I hate.

Hey come on. That at least is a step in the direction of the word love. Would you say? Honor thy father and thy mother at least has a hint of love in it. Wouldn’t you say? Yes. That’s as near as we get to it in the Book of Exodus so let’s get rid of that book fast.

There’s a wonderful chapter in that book where God is telling the Israelites how to go about murdering all the people in this village they’re going and you start with the infants and the pregnant women. This is in the book, in great detail of here’s how you slaughter all these people in this village that you’re going to capture. You start with the infants and get to the pregnant females and then the children and then kill the men off after you go practice. A charming chapter, isn’t it?

I think you’re guessing by now I’m not a staunch admirer of the Old Testament. I do recognize the good meaningful parts in it. I do recognize those and that’s why I continue to teach it but I’m not blind to its other aspects.

Now, let’s turn to the Book of Judges. In the Book of Judges, there is only one mention made of love and typically that love leads to violence and tragedy. In the story of Samson and Delilah where we are told quite simply in chapter 16 verse 4 we’re told quite plainly. “And it came to pass that Samson loved a Philistine woman whose name was Delilah.”

Samson and Delilah poster

Now, for some reason that story which takes up so little space in the Book of Judges has been blown way out of proportion in people’s imaginations. They’ve even made crappy movies of it. Did any of you ever see that horrible thing with Victor Mature and Hedy Lamarr? God, what a mess. Taking everything literally, literally, literally and Victor Mature has bigger breasts than Hedy Lamarr.

However, metaphysically, it is a very, very potent allegory since Samson is a symbol for good judgment. He was the greatest of the judges and he was noted for his strength, wasn’t he? Metaphysically, Samson is a symbol for the strength of good judgment. The Philistines were the enemies of the Israelites and all enemies of the Israelites stand for negative thoughts or negative emotions.

I mean enemy men stand for negative thoughts. Enemy females stand for negative emotions. Delilah is obviously a female and so she would symbolize on the metaphysical level negative emotions. Samson, strength a good judgment but obviously, Delilah was alluring. She must have been. It doesn’t say she was but take a look at Hedy Lamarr. I mean if Samson represents strong good judgment, it had to be a good looking woman to win his infatuation, wouldn’t he?

Now, metaphysically this is interesting, psychologically and metaphysically. Even though we may know that negative emotions are harmful to us, they damage consciousness and damaged consciousness manifests as damaged conditions in life, produced after their kind. It has been noted by many psychologists and metaphysicians that many negative emotions have a mysterious allure for human nature. There was something seductive about many of them. They are alluring. They are capable of producing quick thrills.

See? When a negative emotion symbol in the bible is symbolized, is described as being alluring such as Jezebel and such as Delilah. They symbolize these alluring seductive aspects of many negative emotions. Delilah ensnares Samson, gets him to reveal the secret of his strength, which is his hair, and allures him into her lap where he falls asleep.

Now, she doesn’t kill Samson. She weakens Samson. The weakened Samson symbolizing negative emotions weakening our good judgment. This is Samson with his hair cut off. It’s a symbol of weakened good judgment. Nobody kills Samson, he kills himself. Remember that? Caput?

Many people guide themselves into disaster when they allow their judgment to be weakened by negative emotions. Many people’s severe misfortunes in life come about as a result of their own poor judgment. Don’t they? We make mistakes mostly through poor judgment. We don’t make mistakes because we’re dumb or evil, but we allow our judgment to become blinded and weakened by too much what? Negativity—by finding negativity to attract in.

He pushes down the temple of his enemies, but he is clobbered by the temple that he pushes down. Now, that’s a lesson for us about keeping our judgment what? Strong by denying, what? The allure, the seductivity of negative emotions.

You see. It’s not that the negative emotions can always harm us, but finding them attractive can harm us. Letting them mesmerize us and seduce us. This is what can harm us. Nothing is more therapeutic than a nice big hate, but don’t ever be deceived by that hate. You understand? Don’t ever fall for it and call it good, call it desirable, call it a cheap thrill and then deny it fast.

The same thing is true with fright. A fright can save your life, but if you allow fright to hang around and you fall for it, it becomes fear, and fear will kill you. Fright can save your life. Fear can kill you.

I’ll give you another example. Genuine sadness and sorrow can be very therapeutic because they are real feelings. Genuine sadness and sorrow are real feelings and they have a purpose and their purpose can be very therapeutic to the shock you’ve had that’s made you sad and sorrowful. If you fall for them and let them hang around too much, they turn into despondency and depression, and then they are very dangerous. They’re no longer therapeutic, they are killing. We learn something from the story of Samson and Delilah.

Okay. Now, in the Book of First Samuel we come to the first character who is a symbol of love. He’s the first. There will be others later on, but this is the first and this one is named David. The story of David symbolizes the development of love, of the human love.

In Hebrew, the word David means beloved, well loved. Metaphysically, David symbolizes an active but rather immature and not fully dependable love. If you read his story, you’ll see what I mean. He symbolizes human love, but rather immature and not fully dependable love as you find out when you read his story.

Now, basically, David does stand for love of God and truth basically. David stands for love of God and truth. Emotionally, David shows carelessness and impatience. Part of the symbolism of David is the love for God and truth but also another part of David symbolizes carelessness and impatience in love, in expressing love.

Now, David as a symbol of the love of God and truth is illustrated in his encounter with Goliath, the Philistine giant. The Philistines were very numerous enemies of the Israelites. Goliath symbolizes a gigantic negative condition in any person’s life. We’re told in the description that the person of Goliath dominated the horizon. Isn’t that true when some gigantic negative problem comes up in your life? Doesn’t it blot out so many other things and take center stage in your attention?

When I’ve got a Goliath problem all I can see is that gigantic thing. I had flu and streptococci throat three weeks ago and all I could know about my life was my throat hurts, my throat hurts and it’s hard for me to swallow and I’m sweating too much and I’ve got a fever and I’ve lost my appetite. That was my Goliath, that’s all I could think about. That’s all I could see in my existence.

We all have our different kinds of Goliaths at different times, and they appear to be very, what? Gigantic, don’t they? Not only that but Goliath threatens and challenges the Hebrews. I’ll get you. You dare to come near me. He has a great big long spear and he’s making these threats. That’s the way negativity acts toward us when it’s manifested beyond a certain proportion in our life.

Now, David who symbolizes love for God and truth accepts the challenge and David is a little guy, a nice guy. The nice things in our life appear small to us. Come on, folks. The bad things that are in our life appear gigantic to us, but the little guy always wins because that’s truth, that’s love of God and truth.

One of the things that is interesting in this story is King Saul wants to give his armor to David. He wants to clothe David in his armor, and David refuses any armor. Truth doesn’t need any defending armor. Hear me, friends? Your love for the truth doesn’t need justification. You don’t have to explain to any fundamentalist why you love the truth as taught in Unity. You don’t need to wear any armor. Truth is its own well reason for being. Don’t try to justify to anybody, not even your family, your love for truth through the teachings of Unity.

David didn’t need armor. He was his own defense. Truth demonstrates itself. One thing he did do, he refused to make any contact with Goliath, which means we must learn to not identify with the problem we are facing in our life. That is, you may have a problem in you, I’m sure you do. It may appear gigantic, but listen to me now. You are not that problem and that problem is not you. It is something you are facing. Something you are encountering. Something you must deal with, but it ain’t you. Are you hearing me?

When I was lying in my sick bed I had to keep reminding myself, I am not streptococci. I’m Ed Rabel. I’m a little cock-eyed Ed Rabel, but I’m not streptococci. Streptococci have invaded my physicality, but streptococci are not me. You see, so I was able to keep my sense of I Am separated from the area that was plaguing me. It was invading me.

I often get irritated when I meet someone. This doesn’t happen here at Unity School, but it does a lot in the church. I’ll meet somebody for the first time. “I’m a widow.” “I just got divorced.” Hearing me? “I’m a single parent.” No, you’re none of those things. You are a child of God who’s had experience called divorce. You’ve had a baby who now lacks a male parent. You are a human being whose husband is now in heaven but you are not a widow, you are nor a divorcee, you are not a broken heart, unless you what? Unless you call yourself that, unless you give it your I Am. You are always something greater than anything that is happening around you, to you, or for you. You are always greater than, because you are an individual child of God—spirit, soul, and body.

We’re told that David, love for the truth, chooses five smooth stones to fit into his sling shot. The sling shot symbolizes the projecting power of the word, of consciousness. The stones represent words of truth and David carefully chooses his stones to fit his sling and we should carefully choose our words of prayer to fit our consciousness.

If you are using affirmative prayer, always try to use only words that make sense to you. Not that are highfalutin metaphysical terminology and technique and absolutism and all that crap. Use the words that are your smooth stone. Words of truth that fit into your belief system and that you can speak with sincerely and courage, and the simpler the better. I’m healed. Praise God, I’m healed. Together: I’m healed. Praise God I’m healed.

I’m healed. Praise God I’m healed.

See that’s slingshot with smooth stones going into the face of any illness that you might be encountering and so Goliath crashes to earth as all negativity does eventually, the sooner, the better. David cuts off his head with his own sword which means once you learn how to overcome any kind of error or negativity in your life and consciousness, it won’t bother you again. You’re free.

Different kinds may come but not the same one because it’s always a different case. We have David symbolizing love for truth, love for God in this early part of his life but as he grows he becomes an adult male and adult males go through a cycle called puberty.

After puberty is established, certain kinds of desires rear their lovely heads. David sees the wife of one of his officers in his army taking a bath on a rooftop. Her name is Bathsheba. Coincidence isn’t it?

Here’s where David symbolizes unstable, careless, impatient love. He must have her. Since he’s the king and her husband is an officer in the army, it’s no big job for David to get rid of him. Get rid of him. Get rid of him and he does. He schemes a way to get the guy killed in the army and then he marries Bathsheba.

Well, their main desire was to have a child and of course all the Jews back then. That was the biggest, biggest deal in their whole lives. Get a kid, get a kid. Get a kid, and the more kids, the better. I hope that changed a little but David and Bathsheba get busy to get their kid and they get their kid but it’s born dead.

There’s a metaphysical meaning in there. Then because of the shock of this, they realized what they had done wrong and they sincerely repented, both of them, and humbly asked for divine forgiveness which is always granted when you’re on the level.

You know that don’t you? If you’re on the level and asking for a divine forgiveness, it is not withheld. Is this clear? If you believe in repentance and if you believe in God’s forgiving love, it is always yours, but if you continue to worship karma, you have to go through karma.

But obviously David and Bathsheba loved God as forgiving God and they were forgiven then they had another child whose name is King Solomon. He became King Solomon but he didn’t turn out too well. If you read his story he was a character and he didn’t love that he married over a thousand wives. I wonder how much love there was in that. I don’t know but let’s go on.

In the Book of Joshua, we have the final appearance in the Old Testament of something which symbolizes love which is one of the 12 tribes of Israel, the Levites. The tribe of Levi. When number 12 appears anywhere in our Bible, it always symbolizes the same thing. Can you guess? The 12 powers, always, the 12 sons of Jacob, the 12 tribes, the areas of the Promise Land, the 12 disciples of Jesus. The Book of Revelation describing the new city of Jerusalem is all the measurements, they’re all 12, 144,000; 12 times 12, 000. 12, 12, 12. Anytime 12 appears in the Bible it’s a symbol of the 12 powers, okay.

The Levites, Levi are the priestly tribe and metaphysically they symbolize love in the human consciousness. The other tribes symbolize the other power. The Levites symbolize love. Now all the other tribes were given specific portions of the Promised Land and were limited to ownership within those boundaries. The other eleven tribes were assigned portions of the Promised Land which was theirs and they were to function within the boundaries of the land they were assigned to.

An exception was made for the Levites. The Levites were not confined to any one portion but were told to spread out throughout all the lands and live and work in all of them. Can you see the meaning of that symbolism? Love is not to be confined to any specific area of our lives but is to be what? Spread, infiltrate, permeate, every area of our life. Not just my children, my marriage, my home, myself—but love should what? Occupy, live and work in everything we do. Everything, love should be infiltrating.

I wish those Old Testament writers had practiced what they preached but this one at least. In this one they did get the idea. Love, symbolizing love should infiltrate, permeate, be active in every single area of our life.

Remember that at first, when a person tries to do this, he does it as a project, as an effort. Meaning he’s got to think and remember and keep in practice but practice makes perfect and so after a while a person who makes these initial efforts to do this will find that they don’t have to do it specifically anymore that it has now become a permanent attitude they have.

You’re hearing me? Not an effort they make. It’s like memorizing the 12 powers. There comes a time when you no longer have to do that because you’re so familiar with them all that you think of them simultaneously as the twelve. You don’t call the role anymore. You know they’re all there on the job so you think in terms of the twelve. Well the same is true of love. You can develop love not as project, as specific thing in your life but it becomes a permanent attitude that you walk around with and radiate and then you get of course all the greater benefits from that.

Now we will come to the New Testament. All right, now you remember that we started this course by giving an example from the Book of Genesis which would indicate love but that it was love of God for his creation, remember that statement? Remember that statement? “And God saw all the He had made and it was very good.” This would indicate that God loved what he had created, right? Then later when the human beings come in, it’s not divine love anymore. It becomes conditional love.

Now, just as in the Old Testament, the idea of love is first symbolized coming from God toward his creation in the form of the words “and God saw that it was good.” So it is friends in the New Testament. The very first mention, the very first use of the word love comes from God in the text. This is in Matt. 3:17 where this voice is heard out of heaven saying, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased.”

This is the first mention of the word love in the Gospel but it comes from whom? God. From God. It’s the voice of God and you know what brought forth that voice of divine approval was what Jesus had done for John the Baptist. In that same incident, we have, along with the voice of God expressing love we also have love illustrated on a very human level by Jesus toward the work of John the Baptist. If you remember the story, John is baptizing crowds of people in the river Jordan and Jesus comes upon this scene and is glad to see that John is carrying out this successful water baptismal ministry and so Jesus takes his place in line to go up and get baptized.

You know what water baptism symbolizes so Jesus needed water baptism like a hole in the head. If anybody didn’t need water baptism, it was Jesus. He knew it but still He waited in line and went and came up, and when he got up in front of John, John knew it too and John is shocked. He says, “You had come to be baptized of me? I should be baptized of you.” Jesus said, “Suffer it to be so for the sake of righteousness” and then He allows himself to be dunked in the water. When he rises out of that dunking, the crowd hears this voice, “This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased.”

If that doesn’t show love, nothing in the Bible does. Here’s Jesus, folks. He’s a fourth-dimension. Fourth dimensional transcendent being who’s come back to three-dimensional limitation to do a Messiah job. A few people did recognize this, very few recognized it. Most didn’t but some did. John did. Jesus’ mother did. The demons did. And I think Judas did.

But we John did so John says, “Look, you’re far greater dimension of consciousness than me. I don’t have the right to baptize a transcendent fourth-dimension being like you but you can baptize me.” Jesus says, “Nothing doing. We must do the right thing.” Suffer it to be so for the sake of what? Righteousness.

The word righteousness simply means the right thing and so he submits to this that He didn’t need because He was more concerned about John’s sensibilities, John’s work and so Jesus humbled Himself to do this. A lot of people ask about this voice comes out of heaven. They say “in Unity, we teach God is not a person.” We teach God is spirit, does God talk? In the Bible he is depicted as talking in the Old Testament but that Old Testament believes in a God who is a person, a person with a voice, with moods and all that. His name is Jehovah. Jehovah is a person not a spirit.

But in the New Testament, God is spirit and spirit doesn’t talk so where did this voice come from? There are two theories about this. The one theory which I don’t buy but it’s free for anyone who wants it, is that Jesus hypnotized all these people and mental suggestion caused them to hear a voice. Well, that would be boastful on His part, wouldn’t it? I can’t conceive of Him doing that.

Come on fellas. Hypnotizing a thousand people to hear, “This is my beloved Ed Rabel in whom I am well pleased” fooey on that. I have another theory and Mr. Fillmore had this theory before I did. I just bought on to him. He said, Jesus is a fourth-dimension being—remember this—with the consciousness of such power and volume and vibratory rates that it was beyond any human duplication.

Are you with me, so that everything Jesus did had fourth-dimensional energy with it while the best that we can do is with three-dimensional energy but Jesus transcended that so everything Jesus did had such impact because it was done in the third dimension by a fourth dimension being, consciously. Here He does something wonderfully consider it. Here He pays a wonderful tribute to a man who’s doing his best at what he does and Jesus cooperated fully with this, willingly, knowing what he did unselfishly, humbly. What he did then when He came out of that water caused vibrations of divine approval in the Ethers.

Am I making any sense? What Jesus did was so wonderful, so considerate, so kind and loving and so simple that when He came up out of that water, around Him had to radiate vibrations of divine approval. You all know that the human body, the auditory system is built so that silence, vibrating silence touches the what? Eardrum. Sound doesn’t touch the ear drum. Silent vibrations touch the eardrum and these vibrations are conveyed along the auditory nerve. Vibrating silence hits the ear drum, travels along the auditory nerve reaching a portion of the brain which experiences at sensation called sound.

These silent vibrations of divine approval touch the ear drums of these onlookers, traveled along their auditory nerve and reached the area of their brain where they heard sound in their own language. Vibrations of divine approval were heard as what? Words of divine approval so they all heard the same words because they were all getting the same vibrations. “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”

One more point and then we’ll dismiss. All right.

The second time the word love is found in the New Testament is once again attributed entirely to God and this is Jesus’ statement. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son.” This is found in John 3:16 and again this states the innate love of God toward His own creation. For God so what? Love the world.”

We have that first in Genesis. God saw all that He had made and it was very good. Here we have the same idea in New Testament language quoted by Jesus. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, all right? Now before we dismiss, what is the only begotten son that Jesus talked about?

Most orthodox Christian churches all have the same answer to that. It is Jesus. Jesus is the only begotten son. This cannot be, folks. This cannot be because if Jesus was the only begotten son, how would he have said this? If God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son if He was the only begotten son, how would he have said it?

He would have said, “God so loved the world that He gave Me.” He’s talking in third person in the quote. If He was the only begotten son, He would have to speak in first person. Am I teaching you English or gobbledygook? If Jesus was the only begotten Son, He would know it. Can you agree with that much? Yeah. All right, and if He knew it then He would say it and not, “God gave His only begotten son,” third person. He would say, He gave—Me.

Me, see? The only begotten son is a terminology referring to God’s perfect idea of perfect man. There can only be how many perfect ideas of perfect man? One. There can’t be two. There can’t be three. There can only be one perfect idea of a perfect being.

I’ll say one more things and then I’ll all let you go. If Jesus was the only begotten son, would he have said this to Mary Magdalene after his resurrection. She looks for Him in the tomb and He told them He wouldn’t be there but that’s where they all make a B-line for. They always did what He told them, didn’t they? I should say they never did. Anyway, she goes to the tomb and He’s not there, He said He wouldn’t be, but she turns around into the garden which is where he belonged.

See, and so at first she doesn’t recognize Him. She sees Him and she starts to complain they have taken away my Lord. But then because He’s in His resurrected body, what did she expect to find? A badly wounded corpse is what she was looking for. What she sees is a regenerated body so of course she didn’t recognize him. Later on His disciples don’t recognize Him in that body. They want to see the wounded body but you can’t wound a regenerated body.

Anyway, of course she does when He does show her His physical body again, she immediately recognizes Him and she does what every good woman would do, tries to do. Hug him. Of course, embrace Him but He says to her, “Touch me not for I am not yet ascended unto my Father.”

Now if He was the only begotten son, would He have said this? But go ye onto my brethren and say unto them that I ascend unto my Father and your Father and unto my God and your God. We have Jesus’ own words to prove that He was not the only begotten, that He was one of the begotten but He says, “Unto my Father and your Father.” We’re all begotten of God, aren’t we? But the only begotten is the Christ. The one perfect idea of a perfect being in the mind of God and God bless you. I’ll see you next week.