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Unity Metaphysics: 11 The Three Phases of Mind

Unity Metaphysics 1 (Tan Book)
11 The Three Phases of Mind

Unity Metaphysics (Tan) Book 1 Cover


"It is well said that the mind is the crucible in which the ideal is transmuted into the real. This process of transformation is the spiritual chemistry we must learn before we are ready to work intelligently in the great laboratory of the Father's substance. There is no lack of material there to form what we will, and we can all draw on it as a resource according to our purpose. Wealth of consciousness will express itself in wealth of manifestation." (Charles Fillmore Prosperity 56)

The mind is truly a mystery. Here Mr. Fillmore calls it a crucible. He also saw mind as the connecting link between God and us. The highest purpose of our mind is to transform divine ideas into experiences and manifestations.


"Consciousness—The sense of awareness, of knowing. The knowledge or realization of any idea, object, or condition. The sum total of all ideas accumulated in, and affecting man's present being. The composite of ideas, thoughts, emotions, sensation, and knowledge that makes up the conscious phases of mind. It includes all that man is aware of—spirit, soul, and body." (The Revealing Word, Consciousness, p.41)

This paragraph constitutes what many readers consider to be Unity's most concise and comprehensive definition of consciousness. Unity gives the word "consciousness" a far more expansive definition than do most sciences or philosophies. Our teachings seek to aim the direction of consciousness always in a forward or God-ward direction. Hence, Unity's usage of the word "consciousness" almost always has religious or spiritual overtones.


"In Truth there is but one Mind; in it all things exist. Accurately speaking, man does not have three minds, nor does he have even one mind; but he expresses the one Mind in a multitude of ways." (Charles Fillmore Christian Healing 97)

"When we seek the superconsciousness and make conscious connection with it we harmonize all the forces of mind and body; we lift up the subconscious until a complete, conscious unification of the three phases of mind is affected and we become established in 'singleness of heart.'" (Keep a True Lent 92)

When we speak of the one Mind, we are referring to the divine source of all intelligence, the universal source of all individual minds. There are many minds, but there is only one Mind. Where did you get your mind, and how did you receive your intelligence? Jesus said it comes from the Father. Unity agrees, but we also identify that aspect of the Father as Divine Mind. Divine Mind is the true source of individual minds and is always connected with its "children."


"Conscious mind—The mind that makes one know of one's mental operations and states of consciousness; that phase of mind in which one is actively aware of one's thoughts. The mind through which man establishes his identity." (The Revealing Word, Conscious, p.41)

Most persons automatically mean conscious self-awareness, and awareness of one's thoughts when they use the word "mind." Our sense of I am is usually centered on this level of our mind. It takes little or no effort to maintain this. But it does take effort to become aware of the other levels of mind. And it often takes great effort to raise our sense of I am to higher levels of mind. The conscious level of mind is the most familiar to us and generally it is where we feel most normal and "at home."


"The subconscious mind is the vast, silent realm that lies back of the conscious mind and between it and the superconscious. To one who does not understand its nature and its office, it is the 'great gulf fixed' between his present state and the attainment of his highest desire, his good." (Keep a True Lent 87)

"The subconscious realm of mind is the realm that contains all past thoughts. First, we think consciously and this thought becomes subconscious, carrying on its work of building up or tearing down, according to its character. The subconscious mind cannot take the initiative, but depends on the conscious mind for direction. When one is quickened of Spirit, one's true thoughts are set to work and the subconscious states of error are broken up and dissolved. In one's daily silence and communion with God, thoughts from the subconsciousness come into the conscious realm of mind to be forgiven and redeemed." (Atom-Smashing Power of Mind 76)

These two paragraphs contain many of Mr. Fillmore's clearest insights into the nature of the subconscious mind in general. It is important to remember that the specific contents of the subconscious mind in an individual are largely unknown. Much of our work in consciousness consists of bringing these contents into the light of conscious awareness.


"Superconsciousness is the goal toward which humanity is working. Regardless of appearances there is an upward trend continually active throughout all creation. The superconsciousness is the realm of divine ideas. Its character is impersonal. It therefore has no personal ambitions; knows no condemnation; but is always pure, innocent, loving, and obedient to the call of God." (Atom-Smashing Power of Mind 36)

"The superconscious mind lifts up, or regenerates, both the subconscious and the conscious, transforming them into the true image and likeness of God. The conscious mind must be faithful during this transformation. It must look ever to the superconscious for all direction and instruction. It can of itself do nothing with assurance, because the Spirit of Wisdom rests in the superconscious." (Keep a True Lent 89)

In his book Christian Healing Mr. Fillmore refers to "that vast mysterious realm called superconsciousness." In these paragraphs he helps solve some of that mystery by adding insight to his other explanations. For example: the superconsciousness "has no personal ambitions," "knows no condemnation," and "is always pure, innocent, loving and obedient to the will of God."


"The subconscious may be called the sensitive plate of mind. Its true office is to receive impressions from the superconscious and to reproduce them upon the canvas of the conscious mind. Man, however, having lost the consciousness of the indwelling Father as an ever present reality, has reversed the process and impresses the subconscious from the conscious mind. In this way the former is made to register impressions of both good and evil, according to the thoughts held in conscious mind the time the impression is made.” (Keep a True Lent 87)

Most people do not allow evil impressions to enter their subconscious because they really want to. It is something which may happen without our being fully aware of it. Life makes impressions on us constantly. We don't make these impressions on ourselves. Life does. But we determine how we take those impressions, how we judge them, and how we react to them. All this goes into the subconscious. If we react negatively, selfishly, violently, then we have sent those impressions into the subconscious. It creates a sort of vicious circle. But when we remember the Truth we have learned, we can break the vicious circle. Forgiveness goes into the subconscious. Denial goes into the subconscious. New affirmations go into the subconscious. All can be made well again, for the Holy Spirit works on all levels of our being.


"The superconsciousness has been perceived by the spiritually wise in every age, but they have not known how to externalize it and make it an abiding state of consciousness. Jesus accomplished this, and His method is worthy of our adoption, because as far as we know, it is the only method that has been successful. It is set forth in the New Testament, and whoever adopts the life of purity and love and power there exemplified in the experiences of Jesus of Nazareth will in due course attain the place that He attained." (Atom-Smashing Power of Mind 36)

"This is all accomplished through the externalization of the superconsciousness, which is omnipresent and ever ready to manifest itself through us as it did through Jesus. 'Let Christ be formed in you.'" (Atom-Smashing Power of Mind 40)

Mr. Fillmore accepts Jesus as the only known example of one who was able to abide in the superconscious, and he calls our attention to the fact that we may attain that same ability if we follow the teachings given to us by Jesus. Jesus himself states the same things when he says, "If ye abide in MY WORD..." It is hard to imagine what life would be like if we were producing manifestations directly from the superconscious. As we are now, almost all our manifestation comes from the subconscious. Subconscious may contain much error. Superconscious contains no error. Can we imagine a life in which no error is manifesting through us? Jesus tells us it can be done. Only the right effort is required on our part. All Truth teachings are for the purpose of helping us make those efforts.

Transcribed by Sheri Owen on August 11, 2015.

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