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How to Let God Help You

Chapter 17

The Longing of Our Souls

1. Great unrest comes from a lack of holiness. We seem to be divided into fractions and sections; we give one part of our minds to one thing and another part of our minds to another. And always within us is a longing for something higher, an unrest, because we are not satisfied with life as it seems to us. The Psalmist conceived the right idea of life in its fullness and completeness when he said, “I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.” That likeness now slumbers in us as the seed in the earth; it is the something that is always urging us to better things. It is that within us which wants something more than the outer activities of life. We never shall be satisfied until we find ourselves. It is this restlessness that accounts for all the error we find in the outer.

2. Our restlessness represents a power that is crying out to be expressed. It may take the form of appetite or of ambition, but rightly directed it will be a wonderful something within us that will transcend all the desires of the outer senses. When our powers are placed aright, we shall direct our aspirations and ambitions toward God; we shall know that we can be satisfied with nothing that earth can give. Just think what the Christ life will mean to us when we let it take charge of our consciousness.

3. We do not have to stimulate our senses to bring us anything; it is already ours. So, let us see whether we cannot really find out what our souls are longing for.

4. We condemn men for drinking liquor, but we should not do so. The drinker has a great longing to do something. He does not want to follow the common walks of life; he wants to follow the higher ways. Not understanding this urge within himself, he thinks that he can satisfy it with sense, so he takes something stimulating. We are never satisfied through sense; it enslaves us more and more. Aspiration is the soul’s trying to find its wings, trying to realize wholeness in Christ. Never, until we find wholeness in Christ, shall we be satisfied.

5. Those who give way to appetite, who drink liquor, who take drugs, are hungering and thirsting after righteousness. Remember the Jesus Christ words of light and blessing, “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.” In most cases, an individual who drinks too much is an unusual soul, a soul who has developed some of his faculties and powers until he is very sensitive. He longs for the perfect balance to enable him to express rightly these powers that he feels but does not know how to express.

6. First of all, drop out of your mind the idea that a bad habit is a terrible thing. When you think of it as a terrible and powerful tiring, you keep giving it as much or more power than you allow the Christ. The drink-craving habit is not a moral shortcoming; it is a crying out of some of the tissue masses of the body, and an effort of the body to meet the needs of the soul for satisfying mental and physical food.

7. Sometimes we fail to know the needs of growing children, or of grownups, and these persons go on year after year, failing to meet the demands of the cell tissues. Their bodies are hungry, starved, and often filled with substance they cannot use. Sometimes they are inflamed by tire frequent eating of foods highly seasoned, or foods otherwise unsuited to tire body’s needs. Sometimes people grow up with habits of eating certain kinds of foods that are easy to get and taste good but still have not the vital life elements in them that are required by the blood and the nerves. Those who feel free to indulge in some sort of stimulant sometimes become victims of bad habits. Others hold out against this, but their health is broken, and they turn to medicine. Others will get their alcohol and its effects through foods which are considered harmless but which contain the same constituent elements as alcohol.

8. In dealing with these things, we reach the individual by instructing him as to the Truth of his being. Then we hold him in this consciousness and seek to show him how he has unknowingly made unwise use of his life and the substance which is provided for his nourishment.

9. A belief in some sort of repression and lack, and the consequent sense of lack of life, cause a soul hungering and also a physical hungering for food. Intemperate eating is accompanied by a craving for stimulants. Those who prepare and serve meals without knowledge of the body’s real needs are often the outer cause of the development of the drinking habit.

10. A strong desire for a fuller realization of life sometimes leads to the use of stimulants. When someone who is near to the drinker comes to his senses and looks Godward, the way to freedom and wholeness and real satisfaction is revealed.

11. The first step in healing another’s physical weakness and tendency to drunkenness is to give up all grief and worry, and to withdraw all condemnation and censure—for the liquor, for those who serve it, and for the individual who takes it. Let the same divine love of God which Jesus described in His story of the prodigal son fill mind and heart and flow out to ail concerned. When we love, and pour out the subtle love essence which stirs the heart center, we are moving to action the life energies of Being, and a great law of mind equilibrium is fulfilled. We need to help these children of God to know how to center their love upon Him and His qualities in themselves and those about them. We have not known how to help our children to recognize and unfold the fullness of their God-given resources and faculties and powers. When they come to us they are “bundles” of receptivity and undeveloped faculties and desires; they absorb almost anything we hand out to them—even things we are not aware of impressing them with. Then we are dismayed when their efforts are unwisely directed.

12. So, let us go to the Source of all help, all life, all supply, and all opportunity, and build up the consciousness of health and plenty. Instead of struggling in an outer way, let us go within and build a foundation for real success and prosperity and satisfaction.

13. Use affirmations similar to the following for the purpose of setting your mind in order and setting into action the thought causes which will bring the desired results:

I, too, will arise and go to my Father and receive His love and wisdom and blessing. I now behold His kingdom, His riches, and His unjailing life pouring through me and manifesting for all my needs.