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Christian Healing: Index

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Abraham (see Sarah)
Adam, 31, 33, 34, 55-57; and Eve, 112
affirmation, misuse of, 52, 53 (see denial; mind)
affirmations and denials, list of: 17, 29, 38, 39, 48, 49, 52, 60, 70, 71, 82-84, 94, 95, 106, 111, 112, 114, 115-118, 129, 132, 140, 141
allegory, 31, 73, 74 (see Bible)
apostles, symbolism of the Twelve, 73
atom, as seat of substance, force, and intelligence, 62 (see molecule)

Being, as always present, 66, 67; character of, 7-16
belief, 85, 86 (see faith)
Bible, as allegory, 31; as exposition of mental laws and physiological estate of body, 73, 74
Bible Glossary of Antiquities (quoted), 119
birth, and rebirth, explained, 25, 26
body, afflictions of, caused by misuse of generative life function, 47; and the power of imagination, 104, 105; as projection of man's idea, 34; centers and subcenters of thought in, 45-47; resurrection of, as taking place in man's mind, 35 (see God-Mind; regeneration; spirit)
brain cells (see cells)

cardiac plexus (see heart)
cause and effect, 8, 9, 107

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cells, 99; and thoughts, 74, 75; and words, 136, 137; brain, 86, 87, 96, 97
character, 105, 106 (see imagination)
charity, vs. love, 134, 135
Christ, as higher self, 53; as inner principle (Son of God), 66, 67; as the Word, the Logos, 137; love as requirement for entering consciousness of, 137, 138; putting on, 26, 90; selfish use of life center in organism (Judas) as betrayer of, 58, 59; (spiritual ego, superconsciousness) as Savior, 59 (see Jesus; Peter)
Christ man, 23, 107 (see God-Mind)
Christ Mind, 98, 117, 120, 121; and Jesus, 26, 27
Christianity, as a science, 30, 31, 43, 44; practical, as right relation of ideas and right thought, 14
communion, with God, 92 (see God; Prayer)
condemnation, as a boomerang, 122, 123; vs. faith, 89, 90, 93
conscious mind, 96, 97
contrariness, 111 (see will)
conversion, 57, 58 (see repentance)
courage (see love)
creation, outer world not a safe pattern for, 99-101

Daniel (dreams), 102, 103
Darwin, Charles Robert, 30
daydreams, 96 (see imagination)
denial, and affirmation, applied to condemnation and justice, 125; and forgiveness of sin, 57, 58; as metaphysical remedy for selfishness, 53; power of, to dissolve all discordant and disease-forming words, 69, 70 (see Jesus; man; mind; repentance; sin)
desire, and fulfillment, 108, 109

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Devil (see Satan)
disease, and the spoken word, 64-66; as result of selfish attitudes and aims, 52-54; thinking body into, 45
Divine Mind (see God-Mind; mind)
doubt, and blind faith, 88
dreams, as means of communication between God and man, 102, 103; visions, and spiritual experiences, 36, 101-104
Drummond, Henry, on love, 133, 134

Eadie, John (Biblical Cyclopaedia), 18
early Christians, faith of, 88
Elijah, 80
Elohim, 32
Ephraim and Manasseh, represented as will and understanding, 109, 110
Esau (natural man), 101
ether, 62, 63, 68, 99, 100, 103, 104 (see vibration)
Eve, 31, 112 (see Adam)
evil, on pronouncing nothing, 93
experience, as severe schoolmaster, 112

faculties, as viewed by physiologists, psychologists, and metaphysicians, 86, 87
faith, 80, 81; and prayer going hand in hand, 89; and the All-Presence, 66, 67; as essential to success, 90, 91; as ever active, 90; Jesus' faith vs. blind, 76, 77; not limited to religious experience, 83, 84; Paul on, 85; understanding, and spiritual development, 37; vs. belief, 85, 86 (see prayer)
Farrar, Archaeacon Frederick William (quoted), 123, 124
Father, 26, 66, 67; God known as, when individually formed in

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man's consciousness, 16; Jesus on man's unity with, 25; Son, and Holy Ghost, as mind, idea, and expression, 20
Father-Mind, 13-15, 76
"Father's house," on getting back to, 35
forehead, as seat of will and understanding, 109
freedom, vs. license, 112, 113
front brain, as seat of imagination, 99, 100

Garden of Eden, 31, 34, 37, 38, 47, 48, 70
Gehenna (Valley of Hinnom), 123, 124
generative center, as seat of life, 46, 47
Genesis, 47, 72, 74, 98; interpreted, 31-33
God, as Father of man, 8, 131, 132; as fount of wisdom and source of supply, 98; as good, 10, 11, 93; as indwelling Mind, 81; as justice, 120; as love, 120, 137, 138; as Mind, 18; as mind-principle, 92; as omnipresent spiritual force, 15; as Spirit, 26, 66, 67; as supreme knowing, 112; Paul on the immanence of, 11; trust in, vs. trust in Mammon, 135, 136; various names of 8, 10, 11, 16
God-man relationship, 42, 43
God-Mind 26, 98, 99; and the perfect-man idea, 23-24, 33, 36, 37; as Spirit, soul, and body (mind, idea, expression), 21, 22; as unchanging, 18; man and universe within, as living, acting thoughts, 19; spiritual consciousness as faculty relating to, 76
God's will, 109-112; and prayer, 18, 19, 77; as good will, 111, 112
good, vs. evil, 55-57, 93

Hades, 123, 124
happiness, 89, 90
head, as seat of intellect, 74, 75; top of, as seat of spirit, 76

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healing, and hypnotism, 113
hearing, 72, 73, 75, 76
heart (cardiac plexus), as seat of love, 38, 120, 130, 132, 133
Hinnom, Valley of (see Gehenna)
Holy Spirit, and the "upper room," 27, 28; baptism of, 57, 58
Hugo, Victor (quoted), 96
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 30
hypnotism, 104, 105, 113

I AM, 33, 34, 98, 99, 115; and imagination, 100, 101; and judgment, 121, 122; as focal center in building character, 93; as man's self-identity, 109; as the "image of God," the "only begotten Son," 24, 25; Jacob as, 101, 102; represented in man as will of God, 108, 109
I-am-age, 98, 99
I will, as Adam (manifest man), 33, 34
idea, fulfillment of, instantaneous, 76-78; perfect man, 23, 24, 33, 36, 37 (see God-Mind; mind)
ideas, rapid transmission of, through unity with supreme Mind, 66; and structures made after their own images and likeness, 38; as key to problem of life, 13, 14; divine, as man's inheritance, 13. (see kingdom of heaven; mind)
ignorance, 113, 114
imagination, and daydreams, 96; as faculty required for shaping thought, 98, 99; on controlling, 100, 101; power of, in impressing mental concepts upon the body, 104, 105; work of, in transforming character, 105, 106
India, and the priesthood, 21
"inner chamber" (kingdom of heaven), and prayer, 81 (see "upper room")

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intellect, and belief, 85, 86; and faith, 87
intelligence, 22, 38, 44, 45
intuition, knowing through, 114

Jacob (intellectual man), 101, 102; twelve sons of, as twelve foundation faculties of man, 72-76, 101, 102, 130, 131
James (judgment), 92
jealousy, nature, effect, and cure of, 126
Jehovah, as I AM, 109
Jehovah God, 33, 34; (spiritual man) as I AM, 33, 34
Jesus, and human kinship, 131, 132; and the centurion's faith, 66, 67; and the loaves and fishes, 78, 80; and the new race, 90, 91; and the Pharisees, 23; and the raising of dead, 34, 35; and the will of God, 77; and Thomas's unbelief, 116, 117; as allegory of man's development from natural to spiritual consciousness, 73, 74; as I AM, 109; asking and receiving in the name of, 69, 81; called Word of God, 61, 62; faculties of man symbolized by Twelve Apostles of, 73; faith and belief as synonymous with, 85, 86; knowledge and power of, coming direct from Father, 98; on being "born anew," 25, 26, 28; on denial, 53; on God-man relationship, 42, 43; on "hell of fire," 123, 124; on kingdom of God, 11, 13-15, 66, 67, 90, 91, 100, 101; on love, 135, 137, 138; on obedience to God's will, 33, 110; on perfection of man, 24; on regeneration, 38, 39; on spiritual faith, 87-89, 91; on the law of judgment, 121, 122; on the mind called the Lord, 96, 97; on the power of the spoken word, 64, 68, 136, 137; on unity of all men, 25; on will and understanding, 107, 108; personality of, merged in the universal, 27; Peter's recognition of Christ in, 67; vs. Judas, 58, 59 (see Father; Peter)
Job (dreams), 102, 103

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John (love), 73, 92
Joseph (dreams), 101, 102
Joseph (husband of Mary), and dreams, 102, 103
Judah (praise), 74-76, 79
Judas (false ego; false state of consciousness), 58, 59; (sense consciousness), 74
judge, the Son as supreme, 126
judgment, good, and Principle, 121, 122
judgment day, meaning of, 123
justice, and love, necessary for balanced judgment, 120, 121

Kepler, Johannes (quoted), 48
kingdom of God, claiming identity with God necessary for man's entry into, 36
kingdom of heaven, 81; as harmony of ideas, 16 (see Jesus; kingdom of God; man)
Krishna, 23

laws, study of mental, 12
Lazarus, 13
Leah, 72, 74-76, 130, 131
Levi (love), 130, 131; (union), 73, 75, 76
license (see freedom)
life, 22, 44
life center (generative center), spiritual, 47
liver (mental discrimination), adversely affected by condemnation, 124, 125
Logos, defined, 18, 61 (see Word of God)
Lord, mind called, 96, 97
"Lord's body," 22

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love, 38, 80, 81, 130-140; and courage, 138; and the new heaven and new earth, 138, 139; and the power of the word, 136, 137; defined, 134, 135; divine, vs. human love, 137, 138; enlarging character through, 92; of money, 135, 136; on developing love by prayer and meditation, 132, 133; represented by John, 132, 133 (see charity; regeneration)

Mammon, 135, 136
man, as consummation of the Word, 61; as co-operator with God in forming the universe, 68; as epitome of Being, 42, 43; as expresser of the one Mind in multitude of ways, 97, 98; as inlet and outlet of life, substance, and intelligence, 22, 23; as mind, 12, 13; as necessary factor in God's work, 33; as spirit, soul, and body, 72; as "temple of God," 11, 12; as the "image" and "likeness," 19, 26, 32, 33, 98, 99, 108, 109; demonstrating Truth of Being as object of existence of, 55; generic, represented by Adam, 55; thoughts of, endowed with secondary power of thought, 50; true identity of, 21, 22, 36, 37 (see God-Mind; I AM)
Manasseh (see Ephraim)
manifestation, 107; and its corresponding idea in mind, 44, 45 (see cause and effect)
Martha, 13
Matthew (will), 116
meditation (see prayer)
mediumship, 113
mental laws (see laws)
mesmerism (see hynotism)
Messiah (anointed One, Savior), 75, 76; Hebrews', 23
mind, 120, 121; affirmation and denial as dual attributes of, 51-55; and ideas, 16, 18; and spirit, as synonymous, 11, 12; as absolute and unlimited, 66; idea and expression, 20,

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21, 61; importance of studying and understanding laws of, 12, 19; on trusting logic of, 8, 9; power of, to build or destroy human body, 52-54; substance, force, and intelligence, as three constituents of, 62; the one, vs. individual mind, 97, 107. (see God-Mind; Trinity)
miracles, and the early Christians, 88
molecule, as seat of intelligence, substance, and action, 50 (see atom)
money, Paul on love of, 135, 136
Moses, and the pattern on the mount, 100, 101, 130, 131; as lawgiver, 120
"mount" (see upper room)

nerves, as transmitters of mind's messages, 45, 46, 64, 65
New Testament, as work on spiritual physiology, 27, 28
Nicodemus, 28

old age, on erasing, 105
omnipresence, 66-68, 120, 121
organism, action of mind in bodily, likened to that of city telephone system, 45, 46

Paul, 11, 20, 30, 31, 36, 106, 133; on allegory, 31, 73, 74; on sonship, 25; (visions), 102, 103
perfection, on bringing forth, 105, 106
Peter, as illustration of faith's victory over doubt, 91; (dreams), 102, 103; (faith), as "rock," 73, 86, 91, 92; on the Christ, the Son of God, 66, 67
pineal gland (center of brain), as seat of faith, 86, 87, 89
praise, 74-76; and increase, 80; importance of, 78-80 (see prayer)
prayer, active trust as form of, 127; and faith, 76, 77; and praise,

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74-80; and the power of the word, 69; as cumulative, 78; as point of contact between man's mind and Divine Mind, 14, 15, 78; cause of unanswered, 80; daily, and the consciousness of the inner One, 15; law of, 80, 81; Paul on, 30, 31; supplication, vs. thanksgiving in, 75, 76 (see God's will)
prodigal son, parable of, interpreted, 15, 35
Promised Land, 37, 38, 109

race consciousness, and the parable of the prodigal son, 35, 36
Rachel, 75, 76
regeneration, and love, 131, 132, 137, 138; as process of body refinement, 38, 39
repentance, as form of denial, 57, 58
resurrection, 35 (see body)
Reuben (sight), 72, 75, 76
"righteous indignation," 125, 126

Sarah, and Abraham, as allegory, 73, 74
Satan, as adverse will, 115, 116; as personal mind, 55, 56
science, vs. metaphysics, 43, 44, 67, 68
scriptural texts (see texts)
Scriptures, on man's power and dominion, 50, 51 (see Bible)
second birth (see birth)
selfishness, 21, 22; as limitation, 92
self-control, vs. suppression, 114, 115
sensation, 47
serpent, as symbol of sensation (experience), 112
Shakespeare, 57, 128
Sheol, 123, 124
sight, 72, 75, 76; physical vs. spiritual, 89

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Simeon (hearing), 72, 75, 76
Simon Peter (hearing and faith), 73 (see Peter)
sin, as missing the mark, 90; forgiveness of, as erasure of mortal thoughts, 57, 58
solar plexus, as body's central station, 45, 46; mind's twelve faculties massed at brain center called, 120
Solomon (dreams), 102, 103
Son of God, 107; vs. personal self, 115, 116
soul (see God-Mind; Spirit)
Spirit, 107; as seat of power, 10, 11; inspiration of, and its attainment, 7, 8; science of, vs. intellectual standards, 7; soul, and body (as mind of God and mind of man), 21, 22, 72 (see God-Mind)
subconscious mind, conscious mind, and superconscious mind, 96, 97
substance, 22, 44
success, 90; in world dependent on good judgment, 127, 128
superconscious mind (superconsciousness), and its entrance into natural mind, 27, 28; and man's communion with God, 25; and thought unity, 24; as man's guide, 10; called the Lord, 96, 97; praise (Judah) as portal to, 75 (see Christ Mind)
suppression (see self-control)

telepathy, 66
texts, list of scriptural, used as affirmations and denials: 17, 29, 39, 48, 49, 60, 70, 71, 82-85, 94, 95, 106, 118, 119, 129, 130, 139-141 (see affirmations and denials)
thanksgiving (see praise)
Thomas (understanding), 116, 117
thought, as Son of God, and son of man, 50; formative power

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of, 40, 98, 99; not limited to brain cells, 97; unity of, as law of mind action, 24, 33 (see ether)
thought forces, creating harmful, by condemnation, 122, 123
thought-stuff, 79, 80
thought transference (see telepathy)
Thummim (see Urim)
tongue, brain center at root of, 63, 64
"Tree of knowledge," interpreted, 55-57
tree of life, in Genesis, interpreted, 47
Trinity, explained, 20, 21
Truth, as an individual experience, 15, 16; religious and mystical systems, vs. practical demonstration of, 20, 21

understanding, 37, 78; and the All-Presence, 66, 67; represented by Thomas, 116, 117; spiritual, vs. ignorance, 113, 114; strengthening the will through, 110 (see faith)
"upper room" (top of head), 27, 28, 75, 76 (see "inner chamber")
Urim and Thummim, meaning of, 119, 120

Valley of Hinnom (see Hinnom, Valley of)
vibration, effects of thought and word, 62-65, 68, 69
visions, 102, 103, 113, 114 (see dreams)

will, and understanding, 107-117; not to be retarded or broken, 109, 110, 112; perverted, 111; represented by Matthew, 116, unwise to surrender to another's, 113
willfullness, personal, and its results in mind, body, and affairs, 110, 112
Word, as "only begotten" of God, 62; power of the spoken, 63-70, 116, 117, 136, 137 (see body; prayer; vibration)
Word of God, John on, 61, 62; speaking forth, 70

Preceding Entry: Christian Healing 144-160: Study Helps and Questions