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Lessons In Truth - Lesson 9 - Annotation 3

Lessons In Truth - Lesson 9 - Annotation 3

How does the intellect work with intuition?

3. The intellect, or thinking faculty, needs to work with intuition, because the latter provides true guidance. Lessons in Truth Lesson 6 Annotation 4, "Faith," defines the word intuition as "the still small voice" (I Kings 19:12) of God or the Holy Spirit "speaking" to our soul (our thinking and feeling) giving us inspiration and guidance.

It is through our intellect that we think, perceive mentally, reason, and discern. We develop the intellect by observation and experience, aided by books and teachers.

On the other hand, because intuition is the voice of God within us, we make contact with it as we turn to God in prayer.

"Intuition -- the natural knowing capacity . . . It is very much surer in guidance than the head. . . . Through the power of intuition, man has direct access to all knowledge and the wisdom of God" (The Revealing Word 108, 109).

We come to see that the only true safety in the use of our intellect is when it is guided by intuition. We must bear in mind that while intellect thinks, intuition knows; intellect aspires, while intuition inspires. Intuition provides the divine ideas upon which the intellect may base its thinking, passing the results on to the subconscious phase of mind, or feeling nature. We might say as a matter of relation that the intellect (conscious phase of mind) and the feeling nature (subconscious phase of mind) are the vehicles through which intuition (superconsciousness) expresses.

When trained along spiritual lines, our intellect helps us to get consciously in touch with God through prayer, for intuition is God responding to our prayer. This is the inworking that must take place before the outworking (the work of the intellect, of the feeling nature, and of the hands) can produce the desired good. A balance must be kept between intellect and intuition for there must be an inflowing of ideas from God through intuition and an outflowing of these ideas into body and affairs through the intellect. If there is an inbreathing of spiritual ideas into our consciousness without the outflow or expression through the intellect, there will be stagnation in consciousness.

"To keep one's attention and prayers in the spiritual realm of mind, without letting them work on out into the soul's expression and into the actual physical doing of that which corresponds with what the mind and heart has thought and spoken and prayed, is to court trouble. To keep declaring love and power and life and substance, and yet unconsciously, perhaps, assuming limitations and living them, will cause explosions and congestion that work out in the physical. We need to harmonize our thinking and our prayers with actual living experiences" (Myrtle Fillmore's Healing Letters 25).

Preceding Entry: What is "the secret place of the Most High" (Psalms 91:1)?
Following Entry: What is our "hope of glory" (Col. 1:27)?