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Metaphysical meaning of Lystra (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Lystra (mbd)
Lystra, lys'-trå (Gk.)--that liberates that dissolves; that frees.

A city of Lycaonia, where Paul and Barnabas preached and where they healed the crippled man who was "impotent in his feet" (Acts 14:6, 8).

Meta. When one has received the spirit of peace and praise, and starts out in spiritual ministry with one's vision fixed on the idea of one Presence and one Power, adverse thoughts and conditions begin to disappear. In Acts 14:8-20 this dissolving influence is mentioned symbolically as Lystra. However, often in the dissolving process one may awaken antagonism, and therefore meet with opposition (Antioch). If one relinquishes one's steadfast vision of the one Presence and one Power, and becomes observant of opposition or adversity, one's growing spiritual consciousness seems to be stoned to death. But the spiritual consciousness cannot be destroyed. It revives at the first opportunity.

In meeting opposition, both within oneself and in the outer world, one should remember that Spirit does not arouse combativeness. Opposition comes from the personal. By one's keeping one's vision steadfastly in harmony with the one Presence and one Power, one can cause adversity to disappear in divine order, and the freedom of the whole man will result. As one's consciousness is thus clarified these same principles become effective in one's outer ministry.

Certain words in Acts 15:41 and 16:1 (Cilicia, meaning treacherous; Derbe harsh, stinging; and Lystra, that dissolves) indicate that the work of Paul and Silas required great effort and that it was not altogether pleasant. We find that forceful thoughts often stir up opposition, while gentle thoughts bring a peaceful victory.________________________
Preceding Entry: Lysias