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Truth Unity Hyperlinked Texts

Hi Friends -

It may be that there has been no more important invention in the past fifty years than the hyperlink. The hyperlink is the foundational technology of the Internet and the capability hyperlinks provide human beings in the discovery of knowledge is similar to the printing press, the telescope and the bicycle.  All require human effort, all return an unimagined magnitude in benefit.

And it may be that no field of study benefits from hyperlinking more than the study of Metaphysics. We work very hard in looking for the underlying Principle behind all things, the Divine Idea from which all things are patterned. Hyperlinking equips us with direct connections to patterns and ideas. Like the telescope and the bicyle, hyperlinking allows us to discover so much more than we previously could. As the telescope allows us to see unimagined galaxies, the hyperlink allows us to see unimagined patterns. Both provide a glimpse of the Universe through the eyes of God.

In this section of Truth Unity there many of Unity's foundational texts -- books, tracts, magazines, Correspondence School Lessons and Annotations -- all hyperlinked to over 5,000 pages of Unity's reference texts - the Bible, the Metaphyisical Bible Dictionary, The Revealing Word - and also hyperlinked to references from one text to another.  In time this will include all of the foundational Unity texts and all of Unity's Correspondence School Lessons as well as all of the accompanying Annotations.

What new patterns may be discovered? What can we now see that was unimagined by Emilie Cady or Charles and Myrtle Fillmore? What might Eric Butterworth have done with such a resource? More important to ask, is what might Spirit reveal to you through the new lens of hyperlinked Unity teachings?

Many blessings,

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