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Second In The Trinity

"Second in the Trinity is God's idea of man. It is called Jehovah in the Old Testament and Christ in the New Testament. The second in the Trinity is also called the Word, the Son, the Logos, the anointed One, and the I AM." (Keep a True Lent 15)

"Logos—The Word of God; the divine archetype idea that contains all ideas: The Christ, the Son of God, spiritual man in manifestation." (The Revealing Word, Logos, p.123)

"The Christ is God's divine idea of man, the embodiment of all divine ideas existing in the mind of Being." (Keep a True Lent 10)

"You are linked with the universal spiritual mind through the Christ Mind. It is through the Christ Mind that all things come to you; it is the channel to the All-Mind of the Father." (Charles Fillmore Prosperity 75)

This section can sometimes seem confusing since Mr. Fillmore uses several terms synonomously. Perhaps the clearest definition is in the third paragraph of this section when he writes: "Christ is God's divine idea of man, the embodiment of all divine ideas existing in the mind of Being."

Ed Rabel - Metaphysics 1, The Trinity, Second In The Trinity