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Metaphysical meaning of Naharai (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Naharai (mbd)
Naharai (in A.V., II Samuel 23:37, Nahari), na'-ha-rai (Heb.)--snorter; snorer; one who breathes hard through the nose; eagerness; angry one; irascible, passionate.

The Berothite, a mighty man of David's army and one of Joab's armorbearers (I Chron. 11: 39).

Meta. Naharai (snorer, snorter, one who breathes hard through the nose, eagerness, angry one, irascible, passionate) signifies aspiration, a desire for something higher and better, but directed by personal effort (breathing and the nose bespeak aspiration but the effort required to breathe, in this case, signifies the activity of the outer, limited personal self) and by the impulses and emotions of the natural man. These are usually destructive rather than constructive. (See JOAB; see the significance of his armor-bearers.) By serving love (David) that which Naharai signifies is raised to a more harmonious and true expression.

Preceding Entry: Nahamani
Following Entry: Nahash